I had woken up with the specific intention of going out to check if the electronic shop had fixed my iPad 4 battery, yet?
Unfortunately, as is quite common with ADD/Attention Deficit Disorder sufferers, instead, of going out, first...I let myself get completely distracted by staying at the computer for far too long...checking email/-etc.
Eventually, I thought to myself why not have a go at doing some further Roulette gambling online: I went and deposited 2 lots of £5.90 x 2 = £11.80. The first lot of £5.90...was immediately lost; then, I decided to start chasing after my losses...which often causes one to lose even far more...so, I put in another £5.90. This time I won...in fact, I recall that at one point I was winning £18.00; however, my next bet was really big, £12.00/and, it lost. Much too eager to catch up...I followed that bet by going 'all in', and, making another large bet of £6.00; that too lost; so, now, I was left with exactly how I started which is with 0.10p balance being left inside of the account.
I would say that far more often than not this tends to be the end result of my betting; leaving me with a balance of just merely 'pennies'/as opposed to 'pounds'. Nor is it a simple case of I never ever win...I do win, sometimes...it's just not knowing when it's safe to 'stop' betting? Like if you win 60p...what in the hell can 60p buy?! If you win £3.00/or, even £10...can that buy anything...answer: no, not a lot! So, this is why I get tempted to gamble more and more and more...; only the longer you stay there gambling for...; then, the far more likely it is you will run into a sudden 'losing streak'...; and, then, lose absolutely everything...including your original stake bet/plus, all of your previous winnings, the whole damn lot!
How do I feel, right now? Frankly, in one word: depressed. But, I'm also an 'experienced' gambler...so, the news of losing...isn't something entirely 'new' to me. It's just that with any addiction...you tend to approach the game by hanging onto 'blind hope'...believing things are going to get better/not far worse. You don't think I'm going to lose when you start off...or else, you'd never have bet in the first place. As with any true 'addict'...the grand illusion...that you are going to 'win'...is a thought which never goes away...stays with you all day/night long: 24/7/366. So, in order to NOT gamble...you have to fight really hard against an ever constant 'temptation'...trying your hardest to not give in...frequently, though, this ends up being a losing battle; at some point, whether it's sooner or later...temptation wins.
Learn JavaScript: Full-Stack from Scratch
This course aims to teach full stack Javascript...including NodeJS/MongoDB/-etc.
I've always wanted to learn how to use the 'modern day' flavour of Javascript called: ES6/and, particularly, in conjunction with: NodeJS/MongoDB; therefore, I feel this course is right up my street, so to speak. Also, the course teaches you how to create your own chat app.; that would be really cool to do, too.
I've always wanted to learn how to use the 'modern day' flavour of Javascript called: ES6/and, particularly, in conjunction with: NodeJS/MongoDB; therefore, I feel this course is right up my street, so to speak. Also, the course teaches you how to create your own chat app.; that would be really cool to do, too.
I did listen to the 2 preview video lessons, first; so that I could be sure that I can understand what the instructor is saying(some are foreigner's who don't speak English very well); and, also, to discover if I like his style of teaching(some teaching works for you/other styles of teaching just puts you off). My verdict was I was happy with all that I witnessed seeing.
In Iceland I brought,...
1 x packet of chocolate KitKat
1 x packet of chocolate Lion bars
1 x packet of Cadbury's Mini Chocolate Rolls
1 x sliced brown bread
1 x Econa Hot Pepper
1 x Disney print shopping bag
Total cost: £5.90
I actually went into the electronics shop, first...before going into Iceland; but, the iPad wouldn't turn on...so, I told the man I was going across the road to do some shopping in Iceland...and, then, I'd return there, afterwards.
When I went back there...I found the iPad 4 fully up and working. I was so pleased, and, delighted to take it off home.
I actually went into the library to use their toilet facilities to go take a quick leak.
After I came out...I decided why not go and visit seeing the library.
I was amazed when I noticed 6 x 500 pages thick Japanese Manga comic books; and, instantly, decided this is an opportunity I do not wish to pass(before anybody else borrows them); so, I went up to the desk and added the 6 items onto my library card. (The librarian lady said the maximum number of items you can take out is 20.)
NOTE: I've already taken around 11 or 12 items out of the library; so, adding on these 6 items means I have a total of 18 items out, altogether. Which in turn means I will have to return as many items that I'm not currently reading, as soon as possible. (I think, that means I need to find/return back 12; possibly, tomorrow.)
Otherwise, the danger is...that when all of these items do, eventually, become overdue...I will have to pay overdue fees not just for one single item, alone...; but, instead, I will have to pay for 18 items out overdue fees...the cost of which, I'm sure, will be 'huge'.
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