Wednesday 22 June 2016

220616 Krav Maga/Joined Woodlawns, again


20th Mon Jun 2015

Went to Krav Maga evening class at St Mattew's church in Brixton. Went to both classes starting from 7PM beginner/intermediate.

21st Tue Jun 2015

Yesterday, I went and visited St Matthew's church in Brixton to go and see a Krav Maga martial art 'green belt' grading.

In particular, I wanted to see in my friend, Sunnil, -who I'd gone and trained with in the morning- would be able to pass his test; and, indeed, he did successfully(despite having a fractured hand).

22nd Wed Jun 2015


Today, this morning, I went and joined the Woodlawns trust in Streatham on Leigham Court Road.

They are an old age pensioners group; where the minimum age is meant to be 55; however, the secretary lady let me join at age 53.

The membership cost was £12.00 to renew;  last year, I was also a member.

Sometimes, they have Tai Chi classes; and, also, computing classes, as well.