Tuesday 23 January 2018




I went to LearnDirect in Croydon where I completed doing 3 courses: Warehouse/Retail/Health &Social Care; each course lasted approximately 2 weeks long; and, was paid for by Streatham Job Centre. I did attend, at least, one job interview at Thornton Heath Tesco as a stock item counter but I failed.

2018/JAN The next time I went to visit LearnDirect in Croydon to sign up to do either Customer Service/Hospitality...they refused to let me sign up for any further courses. They said I already had Business Admin Level 1 on my CV. Customer Service was already a part of courses I'd done Warehouse/Retail. Hospitality, was too large a jump. So, I came away feeling very deeply disappointed.

2018 ARTS

Tue 16JAN Went Studio Upstairs in Croydon for my 1st FREE introductory group session, morning only: 10AM-1PM

Tue 23JAN18 Went Studio Upstairs in Croydon for my 2nd FREE introductory group session.

Tue 060218 Joined Studio Upstairs, Croydon for £30 per session 10AM-5PM. The contract I signed lasts for 3 months.

060218 Dulwich Picture Gallery sent me a letter to rejoin, membership costs £40.00 yearly.


I haven't been doing too much keep fit, I'm afraid. In particular, running is out due to both legs suffering from severe Achilles Tendonitis.

I stopped going to Krav Maga; which was £60.00 per month because I couldn't afford it. The last time I paid; I did not even turn up for the whole of that month! I think, that must have been OCT/NOV17?

For 2 months NOV/DEC 2017 I joined Croydon Boxing Club. The cost was £26.00 monthly ( discount: JSA/Job Seekers Allowance). I didn't do any sparring there; just, once, with a fellow 'amateur' outside of the ring; instead, it was mostly skipping/shadow boxing/speedball/heavy bags/(no weights)/-etc. Eventually, I had to stop paying the DDR due to my having far too many other financial commitments.

2018/JAN So far, I haven't signed up to do any 'regular' keep fit; but, I'm looking around at different places here and there. In particular, I'm using both the Internet/and, such things as MeetUp app. To search to find different clubs.

I went to:-

Boxing club in Shadwell, 63 Martha Street, Tarling East Community Centre, Tue evening.
Krav Maga Tulsa Hill Church (my friend Sunil invited me)
Krav Maga in Peckham Rye Tue evening.
Escrima in Streatham Wed evening.
Silat in Shadwell Thu evening. (Only watched.)
Escrima in Streatham Wed evening Paid £25.00 for 1 month/4 x lessons
070218 Escrima, Streatham, Wellfield Road, Wellfield Centre

070218 I haven't had a bike since last year Nov17. Today, I went and got a new bike costing £136.00 from Brixton Halfords, Apollo Guru model (the cheapest bike they had available). I also brought £50 worth of Bike Repair cover, meaning labour will be FRE; but, I still have to pay for any needed parts.