Sunday 25 May 2014

Cat suffered broken leg/other internal injuries. Taken to vet...awaiting updates

Friday 23rd May 2014 12:00 midnight

At the approach of the weekend. I let the cat out through the front door at around midnight before going off to sleep.

In the daytime I only ever let my cat out into the back garden; as I feel there is far too much constant road traffic both coming and going along for it to be truly safe for the cat to go out and play in the front street. However, when it's late at night...close to midnight/or, just after midnight 1AM/2AM/3AM; I allow her out into the street as there are very few cars around, then; nearly everyone has gone to bed; therefore, I feel it's much less likely that she will get run over. Of course, there are many other cats out there in the front streets; that my cat likes to go and meet. After sleeping, as soon as I wake up, I go and open the door to collect her back in again sometime around very early morning; usually before 6AM; when people wake up to take their cars to go off to work.

At around 5 AM in the morning, I went and opened up the front door, as usual; clapping together both my hands very loudly -which is my usual sign for calling the cat to come back in-, only the cat didn't come...? I then went around to the back door, and, once more, tried clapping both my hands; again, there was no response...?

Next, I thought to myself she might be inside of the home somewhere, instead. Possibly, crept in without my even noticing it/or else, my mum, who usually wakes up before me, might have let here in. So, I tried opening up all doors inside of the house, and, at the same time clapped my hands together loudly; again, no response. My cat wears a collar with a phone number, and, bell around her neck; so, whenever she moves I can hear the bell. I heard nothing.

I started thinking to myself, what on earth could have happened? Of course, when one lets ones imagination can come up with absolutely no end of 'negative' scenarios. I thought, somebody could have stolen it; some spiteful kids could have stoned it to death for fun; it could have fallen from a great height such as out of a tree when attempting to chase after birds/-etc.

Sat 24th May 2014 11:30 AM

Still thinking about the cat, constantly; where on earth could she be...??? I searched the back garden; looked over garden hedges. I tried going down the alleyway to see if she could be there; the results of which were still no cat.

I decided to go off to a martial arts lesson in Brixton at St Matthew's church. I arrived late; I should have gotten there at 11AM; instead, I left home at 11:30AM. So, the lesson was short; and, pretty soon I returned back home on my bike.

When I came back home; I saw my mum was going around knocking on nextdoor neighbour doors to ask if anyone had seen the cat; she also put up a number of written messages, 3, stating that the cat had gone missing; sticking these messages onto lamp posts using sticky tape.

All the way from Friday up to Saturday late evening, I'd gone and left the back garden door open; in the hope that possibly the cat will come back, and, so be able to let herself in. But, very late Saturday evening, I went and closed the garden gate; as I felt it was far too much of a security threat; or, possible enticement to burglars.

Sunday 25th May 2014 Very early morning 1PM

By early Sunday morning, I'd already decided deep inside of my mind; we would, most likely, never get to see the cat ever again. Whoever had stolen her would be long gone by now; especially so if they'd stolen her in their car. Outside of our house there is a nearby alleyway; and, another next door neighbor cat had gone missing; to be never ever seen again.

At the same time, I kept on hearing a faint 'bell noise'...not constant...but, only just occasional. Naturally, I would 'rejoice'; go running off straight downstairs to open up both the front door/back garden door...only to find still no cat?! Thus, I thought to myself the faint 'jingle bell noise' I keep hearing every now and then...must be due purely to my own imagination, and, is merely the result of wishful thinking.

Finally, I decided why not have a go at looking underneath the bed to see if I could find the cat there; and, sure enough, that's exactly where I found the cat; lying all curled up on the floor underneath the left side of the bed; but, then, I noticed she would not come out from under the bed. But, I wasn't exactly sure what was wrong to why not? Possibly, she was playing games...; as there was no moaning or groaning.

I then went downstairs, and, got a double tray...filling one side with water; and, then, left the tray beside her so that she could, at least, drink.

Sunday 25th May 2014...later on, during the same morning...8AM

-(A large part of me feels guilt/shame that I didn't detect the cats injuries far sooner; immediately, when I went and discovered her underneath the bed far earlier in the morning; I should have said to myself why isn't she coming out? Exactly, what's wrong? Then, I would have taken her off to see the vet far sooner. However, I just thought to myself she must be having a stomach upset; so that's why she isn't eating/drinking. Thus, I went straight back to sleep, again. After all, the cat wasn't making any noise; she wasn't moaning or groaning. She was moving her neck/head -but, not body- and, seemed to be looking at me, quite calmly, straight in the face with both eyes.)-

When I awoke at 8AM; I looked at the water inside of the tray; and, realized the cat doesn't seem to have drunk absolutely anything...!

Next, I decided to move the bed, in order to discover seeing exactly what's wrong? That was when I discovered that the cat seems to have suffered a badly broken hind leg. As, normally, she would stand/walk/run/jump; but, now, she was just simply dragging that back leg along...whilst the other 3 legs seemed to be working fine; too, she was keeping all of her movements absolutely 'minimal'; mostly, lying down flat 'still' whilst being on her side.

That's when I decided it's time to call the vet/pet rescue people. First, I phoned directory enquiries on: 118 118. After I'd gone and explained the situation to them; they gave me the number of a 24 hours vet. When I spoke with them...they said it would cost £140.00 just to see the cat; and, any surgery/-etc. would be really expensive. When I stated that I was 'unemployed'; they suggested I call the FREE animal charity, RSPCA-Royal Society for the Protection and Care of Animals control centre. I then re-explained both my cat's situation; and, the fact that I'm 'unemployed'; the RSPCA suggested that I call a 24 hours per day animal charity called: Blue Cross located at: 1-5 Hugh Street, Victoria, London. An appointment was made to bring my cat in as soon as possible.

I had to call a taxi to take me there; I was very highly surprised when the taxi firm said the fee would be £20.00(because all the money I had a available was just 1 x £20.00 note). But, then, when I called another taxi firm...they said the fee would be £25! I then quickly rode my bike down the street to see my local cab firm; they told me the charge would be £22. I rode back home, and, decided to call back the first taxi firm; and, just accept the £20 charge, instead.

-(I had a few other travel choices...carrying her on my bike was out of the question; as the ride would be far too bumpy. I could also have chosen to take her on the bus; but, then, as I didn't know exactly where it was I was going to...then, that would have involved walking when I got off the bus...until I had gone and found the place. In the end, I thought it quickest and simplest to just take a taxi; even though their costs are exorbitantly over-expensive...especially, when compared to bus; the bus journey would have cost me nothing as I already had a bus pass.)-

I put my cat into a cat carrier with blanket sheets; and, then, placed the cat inside of the taxi. The driver was an African guy from Ghana; we chatted about many things including the cat/unemployment/-etc. Eventually, we arrived at the place; and, I rang the Blue Cross door bell; but, there was no reply. After repeatedly ringing the same bell, again and again; a lady did answer me by opening the door; explaining she was on a phone call...and, thus, wasn't able to come to the door right away.

The Blue Cross receptionist asked me to show id in the form of unemployment letter stating which particular benefits I was on; as well as, a photo ID...for which I used my bus travel pass. She explained that each time I come along to the center; I must bring in recently dated proof of my remaining being on unemployment benefit.

Next, I was taken to see a lady vet, who went and checked out the cat; this lady stated that there were problems with the cats insides(in particular, she could feel no bladder there...?); as well as, a broken back leg. Furthermore, I must sign a form consenting that she can do whatever surgery that is deemed necessary; to which I agreed. She stated that she would need to take some exploratory X-Rays in order to see/discover exactly what's wrong; then, she would phone me back at around 2PM. I thanked her and left.

I used my bus pass to take a no 2 bus from Victoria bus/train/tube station...all the way back home.

At around 12:30 PM the lady vet called to explain that surgery needed to be done on both the cat's insides; and, also, on her broken leg; to which I agreed. She, then, stated that she would call me back, again, once surgery had been finished.

-(I phoned my cousin -who lives in the country- to explain what had happened to the cat; because the previous day I already told her the cat had gone missing. I updated her with the news that eventually we went and found it under the bed; it's leg appeared to be broken as she was dragging it along; finally, we found an animal charity who was willing to treat her for FREE; and, I would keep her updated with any further news.)-

Right now, I'm still at home waiting to see what the 'after surgery' news will be...???

Sunday 25th May 4PM LATEST UPDATE

I got a further phone call from the vetinary surgeon listing the cats injuries...

-crushed by some really heavy weight; quite possibly, a car
-internal body wall cavity having completely come away; which holds in all of the internal organs
-removed spleen (too badly damaged to remain)
-lacerated liver
-broken pelvis

...the surgeon said the cost of the operation was extremely expensive; because it was one of the worst set of injuries that she had ever yet seen. I asked her if the cat would need to be put down? She said that animals tend to recover a lot more quickly than do human beings. Next, I asked her just how soon would it be that the cat would be returned home to me? She said, she really isn't they need to keep it with them for further careful observation. She also mentioned that it would be possible to make a donation to the Blue Cross animal charity: 0300 777 1890.

Finally, she said I should call back tomorrow at 11 AM in order to be further updated. After which, I thanked her; and, left it at that.

Tue 4th June 2014

I took my cat back to the Blue Cross animal hospital in Victoria for a check up. The nurse there said she found a large lump underneath the cat. So it was decided to keep her in for further x-rays, and, observation.

She also asked me if the cat was both emptying her bowels; as well as, urinating. My answer was I saw her droppings; but, I didn't actually see her urinate.

Wed 5th June 2014

I went to collect my cat from the hospital. I was informed that the cat's underneath lumps have been drained; and, that if she gets sufficient cage rest, then, hopefully, the swellings will go down more.

So my cat was once again released back to me; on the condition that she stays inside of her cage; no running/jumping/climbing.

She is meant to stay inside of the cage for 1 whole month. But, I must confess that it's extremely hard to keep her confined to a 5 foot wide/4 foot high wire cage; as she just wants to move around. Sometimes, out of pity, I let her walk around; or else, take her out into the backgarden to get some fresh air. Only taking her outside does worry, sometimes, she just vanishes...?! Which then causes me to 'panic' that she's run off. However, sooner or later, I find her, again. Thus, whenever I let her out into the garden; I have to make sure that she is constantly being supervised; I can't just leave her out there alone; not even if it appears that she is asleep.

Tue 1st Jul 2014 LATEST UPDATE

I'm very happy to report that my cat has been officially declared as being fully fit, again.

I went back to the Animal hospital charity today; and, the vet assured me that everything is fine.

They also advised me to continue with giving the cat flea treatment every month. The cost of which is £5.00 per month. All one has to do is pour some liquid on the cat's neck/back...making sure to part the hair, first; and, basically, that's it.

Oh they also told me to book another check up appointment in 6 months time.

I also have to return back to them their wire mesh cage.