Sunday 30 June 2019

Sun 30th June 2019 4 PM -5:30 PM Went Van Gogh house to watch movie, twice


Yesterday, I'd gone and brought a £15.00 ticket to go do a walking tour/and, also, visit seeing all 3 floors of the house Van Gogh used to live in inside of 87 Hackford Raod, Vauxhall, London, UK.

(I should have left home 12:00 midday to go and watch the movie; but, due to my usual ADD/Attention Deficit Disorder...I left house really 'late'; with about 1 hour  being left to spare.)

Today, I returned back to the same house to go and watch a movie; the which movie being fairly short...lasting around 20 minutes or so...I actually watched, twice...just to be sure I didn't miss anything.


I rode my bike over Vauxhall bridge to go and see Tate Britain gallery; where I actually went to go and collect some FREE art materials...namely, pencils/, that later on I can used these to draw outside of the gallery.

In the drawing room...I tried copying a few visitors; though, I wasn't much impressed by the end result. Everybody has got to 'start' off somewhere...which is, usually, at the very beginning...before any improvements can actually take place.

Inside of the gallery itself...I went and watched an introductory movie showing a famous 'black' artist called: Frank Bowling. It was far too 'late' to go and visit seeing the actual the gallery was closing, soon.

When I came out of the gallery, I thought about doing some further drawings...but, just didn't feel in the mood...wanted to get back home to see how my elderly mum is doing...?

Saturday 29 June 2019

Sat 29th June 2019 Went San Mei (Three sisters) gallery, Vauxhall/visited Van Gogh's House (where he used to lodge)


I had made an appointment to go and take a walking tour from San Mei gallery, Vauxhall...towards Van Gogh's house...that is, where he used to lodge when he was living in London; the tour included seeing 'inside' of Van Gogh's house itself, as well; including all 3 floors.

My first big worry was I left home really 'late' for the 3 PM appointment...leaving somewhere around 2:40 PM...with not a lot of room being left to spare. Luckily, riding my bike, I arrived there just in time.

My second big worry was, I had booked on the tour a ticket costing £15.00 through eventbrite online web site...the cost of which was non-refundable...and, they had emailed me the ticket; however, I did not find enough time to go and print it 'proof' that I did, in fact, buy a ticket. Luckily, for me, the tour guide didn't ask me to provide them with any proof that a ticket had been brought.

Thirdly, I had been fully expecting to see quite a sizeable group of people who were interested in both taking the walking tour/and, seeing inside of the house where Van Gogh used to live; but, much to my surprise...there was just 1 x blonde English girl who was the tour guide...and, I was the only other member of the group; in other words, nobody else brought tickets. She explained the situation to me...and, asked if I agreed to the which I replied, yes, no problem.

The tour guide told me that San Mei means 3 sisters...the title was given in regards to the chinese family who own the they had 3 daughters, apparently, all are artists of one sort or another; I saw one -(didn't really get any opportunity to talk to them)- but, not the other two.

We walked from San Mei Gallery in Vauxhall...taking a number of back streets...finally leading through onto Brixton Road. Crossed over Brixton Road...walking down Hillyard Street towards 87 Hackford Road, Vauxhall...which is where Van Gogh used to live...; and, also, where they've now built a route called: Van Gogh Walk.

As we walked along -(I pulled my bike/out of courtesy, didn't bother riding it,anymore)- the tour guide explained to me...that these used to be poor people's streets/housing way back in Van Gogh's day. She also pointed out a house where a certain black lady had gotten shot in a police raid by accident...with no apologies from the police...until 3 years, later on; the which incident had led to riots. She mentioned something about, Charles Chaplin; who also grew up in Lambeth. She also stated that the house used to look slightly different from the 'original' layout...the houses to the right side of it...seem to have been taken down.

I locked up my bike...inside of Van Gogh's house...leaving it chained tightly against the buildings railings. Then, we entered...I was really surprised to see just how 'sparsely' furnished it all low the ceilings were...and, noticed the wooden railings/steps/and, iron fire places. There were a number of display cabinets...which housed...documents that were found underneath the floorboards...stored there by previous tenants/owners. I also saw a 'framed' original Gustav Dore print; and, a Van Gogh 'painting' copy that somebody who had admired his work had done. However, I do not recall seeing any Van Gogh 'masterpiece' in the entire building taking up all of 3 floors; together with back garden view(I normally see the house only from the front/so, it was fascinating to me seeing the back view, too...basically, it just showed other neighbours gardens).

Some of the house had been modernised, especially, downstairs...; I suppose, this was done in order to cater for 'new' visitors/also, any resident art students....such as toilets/baths. They did show some 'original' regards to the toilet fittings...none of which did really interest me!

At the end of the tour, I was given a paper a sort of keepsake momento:-

Quite politely, I thanked the guide; and, then, left...; telling her I'm now off to go visit Tate Britain Gallery before they close. I think, by then the time was, 4:30 PM, possibly.

The tour guide did inform me that there would be a FREE film show...tomorrow, Sunday, between 12-6 PM. I think, I might just turn up.


Did I actually think that buying the £15.00 ticket to do the walking tour/and, see inside of Van Gogh's house was worth it? Answer: no. I did not learn much during the walk(already knew Victorian times were poor)/nor see much inside of the house, neither(very sparsely furnished/looks petty much like inside of my own 3 storey house, actually; just lower ceilings)

However, judging it from the point of view...of somebody who has been a life long Van Gogh fan; and, watches every single movie/buys all his books/goes to his every exhibition/and, even copies his work, occasionally; then, in that sense it was well and truly worth that I feel I'm a little bit closer to Van Gogh, now...than ever I was before...I mean, I actually saw inside the house he actually lived in for a short while; and, know a little bit more about his history.


Because it was a really hot day...due to a 'freak' heatwave in London...therefore, I went and brought 2 x large bottles of  Lucozade costing £1.00 Sainsbury's in Vauxhall...located at the opposite side of Vauxhall bridge...before crossing over into Pimlico.

I kept sipping at these drinks all day; and, really thanked my lucky stars that I had the good sense to go and buy them...otherwise, I'm sure, I would have felt totally 'dehydrated'.


I arrived at Tate Britain gallery somewhere around 5 PM. Did some drawings there...using pencil/papers/boards/easels...which were all provided for FREE. Mostly, inventions... opposed to copies; though, I did try copying a few visitors, once or twice(I left the visitor copies back there...didn't bother taking them home with me).

Just before the gallery closed...I went go and visit seeing their 'latest' Van Gogh exhibition...; however, I was informed that the gallery was about to close in just 10 minutes time. So, I changed my mind about entering...and, instead, I just practised drawing a painting on the wall...right near the exit...attempting to get my proportions/shading right...had some great difficulty!

When Tate Britain had closed; I thought about attempting to draw the actual building itself...but, freaked out...thinking it about it far too much...when you can't get lines to line up straight with one another...then, dealing with any architecture is just way too complex!

I also thought about drawing 2 of the front outside sculptures; however, those entrances were blocked off...; and, due to my having 'short sight'...can't see too well from at a distance...I just gave up...and, moved off going away from Tate Britain.


Normally, straight after visiting Tate Britain gallery, I would have returned home...going over Vauxhall Bridge.

However, this time, all I did was stop at the do a quick drawing of the River Thames; and, then, instead, of going over the bridge...; I moved across it...onto the other side of the road...and, off towards London's city centre...riding along Grovesnor Road...parallel to the River Thames.


Eventually, I stopped my bike, at Sloane Square...where I practised drawing the 'female nude' fountain sculpture that I always love seeing.


At Knightsbridge I went inside of McDonalds fast food restaurant...where I used my debit card to buy 1 large sized fries/chips.


I left my bike having been chained up outside of McDonald's...then, walked across the road to go and visit seeing the back of Holy Brompton church......where i knew there is a sort of small park with wooden bench seats; there I went and ate my chips.

NOTE: This drawing wasn't meant to be a realistic sketch; instead, it was a very quickly 'hurried' sketch; -(meant as an exercise to allow one to conquer one's own fear of drawing/or, rather making any mistakes)-; where I just attempted to capture the main lines of the scene I saw before me...sticking things together in an over-lapping opposed to having any regards to the actual reality.

Afterwards, I stood up to do a few drawings:

1 x of the actual park itself...

 Another of the back side Church / (which is entirely separate from Holy Trinity Brompton church located at the front)

...and, I also tried drawing a sculpture of a male saint feeding birds/squirrels. (One hand of the sculpture was missing...; so, I only drew the empty sleeve, alone)


With the light very quickly fading away...the last stop I made was to go and visit seeing Hyde Park...

...where I did 2 drawings...inside of the Rose Garden, I drew a Cupid style boy being seen holding onto a fishes top wing (fountain)/and,  I also tried drawing a huge sculpture of a man wielding both a sword and shield.


I forget the exact name of the bridge I went and crossed...either Chelsea bridge/or, Albert bridge...but, going straight along Sloane Square...I crossed the bridge at the end of that road...then, rode across the road...I think, that's Queenstown Road...going to Streatham...Tooting Bec Gardens...along Wellfield Path...past St Julian's primary school; then, off home. I returned back home somewhere around 11 PM late evening.

Friday 28 June 2019

Fri 28th June 2019 11-PM...awoke mum gone to GP appointment...came back in around 7:15 PM with shopping!

When I awoke somewhere around 12:00 midday, I discovered my mum had gone to her GP appointment.

I rode my bike over inquire have they seen her at the Tulse Hill, Hardel Rise surgery...; their reply was she had already came/and, left around 1 hour ago.

A lady who I saw standing up outside of the surgery, I asked the same questions to...pointed me in the direction she had left; however, look as I mum was to be found absolutely nowhere?

I started thinking to myself...there are a number of possibilities where she might have gone...

1> Stockwell, to go check out her flat
2> Shopping, possibly, East between Elephant and Castle/Camberwell.
3> She could also have returned back home...and, I might have missed her when she was on the bus.

Anyway, I decided to return back home...; and, sure enough, no mother to be seen anywhere?

At 3:30 PM I rode my bike over to the Community Shop where goods can be brought really 'cheap'...and, there did some shopping. I brought such things as, Chocolate biscuits/Mousse/tinned Grapefruit/half-sized baked bean tins/crips/tinned fizzy drinks/-etc.; then, again, came back home...; again, no mum arrived back home, yet.

(Around 5 PM I phoned my cousin explain the situation I've already quoted up above; and, basically, left it there...stating I will phone them with the latest updates.)

Time is, now, coming up 7 PM...and, still my mother hasn't showed; I feel like I'm going out of my mind with 'endless worry'...thinking to myself...'what if' this/'what if' that.../-etc.

Maybe, I should go to her flat in Stockwell...; but, what if...she isn't there...?!

Life with older people...sometimes, can be like a 'living nightmare'...she doesn't seem to understand that she's, she needs to 'slow down'....she cannot move around like say when it was 10 years fact, she hasn't left the house in over 6 months long...!

Well, finally, my mum came back in, with a push basket full of shopping at around, 7:15 PM; but, she did not look good...instead, she looked 'half-dead'...and, I'm being perfectly serious about that; not in any way at all kidding. No wonder, the weather out there has been unusually 'hot'; and, she walks really 'slow', having to climb up the hill to come back home...must have been sheer agony. Furthermore, she said her doctors appointment ended in she didn't get the drugs she wanted. I hope that doesn't mean she's going out there for another day, tomorrow/or,...?

Thu 27th June 2019 2PM-7PM St George Hospital - Eye problems: Uveitis(eye inflammation leading to 'red eye'...)

I was meant to go to Art class between 2PM-5PM.

However, my left eye kept playing up...; that is for the last 3/4/5's been getting redder and redder still.

So, eventually, I decided to phone the doctors; they told me to go down to West Norwood High Street...and, below B&Q DIY shop...there is an optician, I think, Woodfield is their name; they have emergency drop in's there.

At around 1:30 PM I went down to the opticians...and, registered my details with them for the first time. The lady there looked at my eye...and, asked me a few questions. How long has the problem been occurring for? 3 to 5 days. Is it getting better or worse? Worse. Can you think of anything that might have caused it? I told her...when I ride my bike, and, the wind is blowing hard...then, sometimes, a leaf might blow into my face; however, normally, all I do is just simply go home use water and the problem clears up. In this particular case, however, the problem hasn't gone away; even though I've been bathing the eye with water every single day.

Eventually, the lady recommended I go to St Thomas hospital...where they have emergency eye drop in clinic...between 1 PM - 4 PM.

I told her the last time I suffered 'red eye'...I went to St George's hospital, instead; so, my latest details regarding this recurring eye condition would be registered there.

She said, St George, has a really long waiting time...; so, if I wanted to be seen a lot faster...; then, it's recommended I go to St. Thomas, instead.

I went back home to have a think about it. Eventually, I decided to return back to St George hospital in Tooting; because my 'latest' records in regards to this recurring eye condition have been kept there.

Around 2PM I left on my bike for the journey toward St George's hospital. When I arrived I had to go to the Accident and Emergency department, order to get a referral to the Moorfields Eye Hospital on Lanesborough Wing. First, I had to wait to speak to a nurse; who asked me for my name...which she typed into the computer; and, then, asked me to explain the problem; which I did. She then told me to 'wait' the big room...when a doctor will call me. After waiting for a while...the doctor called my name...; and, after asking some questions...said he would give me a referral to upstairs. After getting my referral printed, I can show them at the desk at Moorfields Eye Hospital...; I went upstairs and showed it to them. They told me to 'wait'...and, somebody would call my name. Eventually, a doctor looked at my eye...putting 2 different sets of eye drops into them/and, also, asking me to take an eye test. Then, they said, I must go and wait, again; until a next doctor called my name. Eventually, a doctor called my name...and, I was see to, properly. Then, I had to wait to go and pick up my prescription medicine. Finally, I left...the time must have been somewhere around 5 to 6 PM. (All the time, I was thinking to myself I should have gone to St Thomas hospital, instead; where, I most probably would have been seen to, immediately, right away.) Anyway, I rode my bike home...; which was very both my eyes were really blurry with eye drops have been placed in there; nevertheless, I made it back home safely...I think, the time said somewhere around 7 PM.

(The next day, I went and phoned my art teacher: Lil Sullivan; and, explained the situation to them...why I went and missed my art which they were very understanding, as is usual.)

Wednesday 26 June 2019

Wed 26th June 2019 Bit of a peculiar day...awoke with mum gone/found San Mei Gallery/-etc.

Wed 26th June 2019 Bit of a peculiar day...


Woke up somewhere around 11 AM; to find my mum had gone out...without even informing me, first. Actually, she did mention previously that she wanted to see the doctor to go and get some drugs. Anyway, I went off on my bike to go and find her...; found her at Tulse Hill...after coming from the doctors surgery; apparently, she said she did not get through; as no doctors were available.


I walked into Emmaus...where I went and brought a famous Monet Impressionist print...showing 2 lovers...for £25.00. I had seen this print on sale there over, again and again; and, was really surprised that nobody had gone and brought it, yet; so, eventually, I made my mind, I will. Unfortunately, the thin wooden frame is not too strong; nor is the string tie on the back used for hanging the picture up on the wall; I'm afraid, the string might break/and, the picture will either fall/break(the same as one I'd previously gone and brought had fallen down from off the wall, and, broken).


Walked into my local auction house, Roseberry's; just to catch up with seeing what sort of artworks are hanging there on the walls. I always see some interesting stuff there...; though, the names of the artists I will usually forget; the pictures less so. The next auction date will be on: Wed 3rd July 2019.


I was riding my bike on my way over to Stockwell, when I decided to stop at 198 Gallery to go and look at the artworks/and, also, life  -on video- of Denzil Forrester. The exhibition is entitled: Denzil's Dance...and, it concerns pastel drawings/paintings related to reggae music dance hall...both in England/and, also, in Jamaica, itself. The video explained that Denzil is originally from Grenada; but, he emigrated to England somewhere around age 11(I forget the exact age?); and, when younger he use to collect Bob Marley ablums/-etc. I believe Denzil is, now-a-days, somewhere in his 60's(me, I'm currently aged 56). 

I find looking at his artworks interesting on multiple different levels...

1> I used to attend Morley College where I went to study art as a student; on the top most 4th floor; and, Denzil's was a teacher at the same Morley fact, his class was in the same room that I was studying in...only his class was, later, when we were leaving...his class was just entering. If I can recall correctly -it must be over 5 years, now, since I went and attended Morley College- Denzil's class was teaching 'portraiture'; and, this was something I was very deeply interested in, I always wanted to be a student in his class; but, somehow or other, never got around to it...maybe, because funds where tight...and, my class there was FREE; however, his class had to be 'paid' for, instead.

2> As a coloured guy, I too grew up being quite heavily attached to Jamaican culture/music; so, I can quite clearly identify with that...I, too, used to collect Bob Marley albums when a teenage 'youth'.

3> I also love and do arts; and, do feel there is a great prejudice against 'coloured' people artists in this country...; most galleries tend to show artists who are 'white'...maybe, 99% white/and, only 1% black...that is, if they show 'any' black artists works at all! I'm impressed that this one guy has been able to make it, successfully, in what seems like a white man's only world. The video said, that most galleries did not wish to approach Denzil...; it was through an individual artist, Peter Doig, who has given his work the opportunity to be widely shown.


I went over to go and collect some letters from my mum's flat.


After visiting Stockwell; I went to go and visit seeing Tate Britain gallery in Vauxhall; where I went and collected some FREE  drawing go bring along to my art class, tomorrow. Unfortunately, I arrived there around 10 to 15 minutes before the gallery was closing down for the evening; therefore, I couldn't stay...; and, was forced to very quickly leave.


Recently, I went and paid for a ticket to go and do a walking tour from Vauxhall up to Van Gogh's lodgings where he used to stay,  temporarily, when he was in at 87 Hackford Road; the tour actually takes you inside of the actual house itself. Whereas, normally, I only get to see the 'outside' of the house...; and, its commemorative 'blue plaque'. The tour is going to take place: 3 PM Saturday coming...which should be the 29th.


I called my current art teacher, Lil Sullivan, mobile ask if she wanted any help setting up her class; (I believe I helped her to get set up last week). She is a stroke victim survivor...; and, needs help carrying stuff. So, I meet her at her home in Vauxhall...on Lilford Street; and, there carry a bag of art items -which I carry on my bikes handle bars- to the Ackerman Medical Health Center...which is where lessons take place on Thursday evenings from 2-5 PM.

8:30 PM PHONED MY COUSIN, M/T(her husband)

Phoned my cousin, M/and, also, spoke to T...apparently, they were using a loud speaker, everything I spoke to M could also be over heard in the background. I spoke to them mainly about my mum...that she hadn't been going out in around 6 months; and, now, she's back on the road, again...which can be interpreted as being either a good/or else, a bad thing.


Late at night, when I went to put the recycle waste bin outside in the street...ready for emptying. I discovered Royal Mail had left a parcel beside the bin...the which package I went and opened up...and, found inside a series of around 12 x painting boards I'd gone and ordered from off


For the last few days, my left eye seems to be playing up...; constantly, 'red'...and, painful to view 'light'. I've been hoping the problem is not Uveitis returning...which is a side symptom of a stomach problem: Ulcerative Colitis. Anyway, if the problem won't, all of a sudden, cure itself; then, I will have to go visit seeing the doctor's surgery, soon.

Wednesday 12 June 2019

Tue 120619 6:30 PM Visited Young Vic Theatre in Waterloo to see Authur Miller play: Death of a salesman


6:30 PM Yesterday, evening...on Tuesday, I had been given a FREE ticket by my local 'volunteering in the community' group -(a listed charity)- called: PGTB/Paxton Green Time go and see the play: Death of a salesman, written by Arthur the Young Vic Theatre in  London, Waterloo.

-(Going to see the play actually clashed with my exercise class: Aikido; however, because seeing the play was such a 'rare' thing...happening only 6 monthly/or, once a year...when compared with my exercise class that takes place twice per, I decided I might be far better off going see the play, instead.)-

The first thing I did was arrive there really 'late', as usual. I was actually meant to go and collect the ticket somewhere between, 6:30-7 PM. But, instead, I got lost...I ended up on the other side of the road...which is the London Eye end of Waterloo...when I should have been on the side where the tube station is, instead. By the time, I had managed to go figure this all out...; and, had finished chaining up my bike quite safely; the time already said 7:25 PM; and, the play started at 7:30 PM; so, I actually went and collected my ticket with just barely 5 minutes being left to spare...consequently, I counted myself extremely lucky to have been let in at all!

As the lights went out...; and, the play started...

First, I was very surprised to was 50% musical/and, 50% straight play acting; not only that but the cast was mainly Afro-American (I was expecting to see an all white cast, instead); they sung/played musical instruments extremely well, though. There were 2/or, 3 actors (1 female) who were white; but, the rest, mainly, black.

Second, I had taken a packet of crisps with me...; and, as I opened up the crisps to go and eat...the noise the crisp packet made was almost deafening, especially, in the quiet silence. Eventually, a theatre visitor elder lady told me to, please, stop...and, I agreed. (I have had this sort of really embarrassing experience before...; only the last time it occurred was at a music recital somewhere along Oxford Street; again, I felt I had no choice but to, simply, stop eating.)

Third, my drink by accident fell out of my pocket onto the fact, it went somewhere underneath the seat I was sitting on. Kneeling down in the darkness, I tried to find it...but, couldn't; finally, I quit searching...and, just decided to look whenever the lights came back on, again; that is, during the break(which is when I did manage to find it). 

The play lasted long...1 hr 15 min...with a 15 min break in between...then, 1 hr 30 min...right up to the end. 

Fourth, when the break occurred...I was really happy to go eat/drink a bit. Only when I decided to go over to the toilets...before eating/drinking...I discovered these toilets are, actually, 'unisex' would think there would at least be a screen put up in front of the men's that the women there can't see you holding your dick to go take a piss; but, no, no screen at all! Frankly, I felt very deeply self-conscious; and, also, completely disgusted! I decided to not bother with using the theatre's own provided toilet facilities. I actually went outside to go see if there was any place I could go take a leak...; but, again, found none; not even on the streets...which seemed to be really busy thronging with loads of people; plus, it was cold and drizzling down rain. So, I decided to eat the crisps/but, drink nothing...I would drink only when the play was over, instead; then, I can find suitable toilet facilities, later on. What actually happened in fact; was as soon as the play ended...I literally raced to the 'unisex' toilets to see if I could beat everybody there...luckily, I found the place completely empty; and, thus, I was finally able to take a piss...without needed to worry about 'girls' staring at me.

Returning back to the subject of the play itself.  I managed to follow some of the plot...but, not entirely well. Some of it left me feeling a little bit confused? What I got was...there was a family, in this case, a black family...who had some difficulties making money for themselves...and, the father was having a bit on the side with a 'white' girl...the which relationship was discovered by the son, later. And, there were some fierce business dealings/quarrels. Er, not sure I got a whole lot more than that; but, really, I didn't care. It was a good evening's entertainment...and, furthermore, I got in FREE...; plus, I really 'loved' listening to the music...which sounded really sweet; easy listening tunes/together with bouts of the blues.

I was always planning to read some of Arthur Miller's work -(I often see his drawings/paintings online of which I'm a big fan...and, I also wanted to read some of his famous erotic novels)-; but, somehow or other, I never quite got around to reading/studying anything of, I saw this as being my first opportunity to get to know his work more; not sure I realised he wrote 'plays', as well; I'd heard of the title: 'Death of a salesman' before....just never knew it was one of Arthur Miller's own works.

When the play ended, I quickly rode my bike straight off home. What was strange about that...was it was cold/wet/raining...lightly drizzling; and, all I had on top was just merely a t-shirt...; this made me ride my bike faster in order to keep warm. When I reached Stockwell...I was going to check out my mum's flat...however, I had forgotten to take the keys with me...which were left inside of my coat pocket at home; so, instead, I just continued riding off home. I believe I reached home somewhere around 11 PM.

It was a good night...not necessarily a 'great' night...but, most definitely a good one...where I'd gotten to do something 'different' from what is my. otherwise, dull and boring regular routine.

Saturday 1 June 2019

020619 00:27 AM GMT Latest News...: ART/Dentist/AIKIDO/GA/New Bike/-etc.

Latest News...


I'm no longer attending college, anymore; which is mainly due to lack of sufficient funds.

 I would like to attend Morley College to study both ceramics/sculpture/and, possibly, drawing/computer programming/web design...that is, whenever I can afford to do so.


I went to see the dentist just 2 days ago...290518 4:15 PM evening. He found a hole in my lower back tooth; which he decided to fill in. Then, the rest of work he did was to give the teeth a quick clean. I was told my next due appointment there was not until January 2020/next year; and, that I must note this the receptionist said they will not be writing me any appointment the appointment is too far away.


At 56 I feel far less inclined to exercise. Consequently, I don't tend to find myself doing push up's/sit up's/walking/running, anymore. Instead, I mostly tend to stay in/as opposed to go out...and, watch people working out on YouTube...that is, I watch it...but, don't actually get up and do hardly anything at all in terms of actual 'movement'...!

I gave up going to Krav Maga in West Norwood...due to financial problems. I told the guy in charge, Remi; that I would pay him for the year...he gave me his bank a/c. details: sort code + a/c number; said I can make payment in two parts...£270.00 x 2. However, I haven't been able to afford this, yet. The next option -which in the long run turns out to be more expensive- is pay £70.00 monthly, instead; perhaps, for a time I will revert back to this option. I'm still beginner 'white belt' due to not turning up there, regularly; one month on/next month -or, two/three months- off.

However, recently, I did join in doing Aikido lessons at Kingswood House Library in Sydenham Hill. The cost is £10.00 per week/lesson twice weekly: Tue/Thu evenings 6:30-8:30 PM...with one lesson being thrown in for FREE.


I still haven't found a job, yet; even, though, I'm doing Job Search, I remain forevermore hopeful...but, as I get older...I'm currently aged 56...I kind of wonder if I will ever find a job?

I sign on at Streatham Job Centre, regularly, every fortnight.


My gambling addiction never ever goes away; as soon as I get my hands on any money at matter how small/big...I immediately think of doubling/trebling/quadrupling it/-etc. But, I also know that the reality is...I'm much more likely to loose absolutely everything, and, end up with a totally nil balance?! So, I been trying to gamble low...around £10.00 at most. However, when I lose that £10.00; then, the temptation to chase after one's losses by depositing another £10.00 is, well and truly, dreadful; thus, it's possible to have your losses completely run away if you aren't really careful.

Just last week Thursday evening, I went and attended Gamblers Anonymous at All Saints Clubhous, 131 Cleveland Street, (almost directly opposite London's Post Office Tower/nearest tube station: Great Portland Street Tube Station). There were two meetings, I think, the beginner's meetings start around 6 AM/and, the late meetings start at around 8 AM. I went to the 8 AM meeting. I never feel truly comfortable, in reality, I tend to be a very shy and private type of person; and,  voluntarily I have to take the chair in the middle of the room, and, speak to everybody there; this always makes me feel both embarrassed and vulnerable to the extreme -having to trust so many compete and total strangers-; for that reason, I don't tend to go there 'regularly'; instead, after 1/2/or, 3 meetings...I tend to drop out for the next 2/3/up to 6 months long.


Currently, I joined in a Facebook group called: 'Self-portraits Sundays'...I think, I did 6 Sundays so far to date; this Sunday will make the 7th.

I also went and joined stroke victim artist, Lil Sullivan; -(who I first met as a PGTB/Paxton Green Time Bank member at Kingswood House Library)-; who is teaching Portraiture during the evenings...2-5 PM on Thursdays at Ackerman Health Center, Patmos Road, Vauxhall, London.

I also went and joined, for a monthly membership subscription fee:; which teaches art based video instruction...covering such things as perspective/urban landscape drawing/-etc.


West Norwood Library, has re-opened, again. But, I must be careful about taking out too many books; because I keep on forgetting to re-new them on time...; which only leads to the build up of further and further fines...all of which I can ill afford.

I note they have 3 things going on at the library which I still haven't checked out, yet...

1> Picturehouse...I think, the membership fee is something like £62.00 per year.
2> Chess club, I think, they meet during the weekends...probably, evening
3> Tai Chi, I think, they have it upstairs...; forgot exactly when...but, I have seen posters/with a phone number on it, being located here and there. (Just worried about the cost...?)


Currently, I only have one desktop PC to use at home; and, it is running Windows 10 Professional; otherwise, I tend to use iPad 4 whilst in bed. My laptop computer isn't working; and, I've gone and lost my iPhone 5(will need to buy another, soon).

Of late, for the last 3 days or so, I've been working on building myself an art based web site using HTML/CSS; but, it still isn't finished, yet. When I'm done, I intend to house it at the following URL address:

I should be working on studying programming more: Python/VueJS/Javascript/-etc.; but, most unfortunately, I seem to have gotten either completely distracted doing other things 'arts'/or else, just felt too lazy.


Recently, I went and brought a new bike costing £350.00 Carrera Model from Brixton Halfords; mainly because the last bike Apollo Guru Model got stolen from outside of Tate Britain gallery(the thieves had used 'wire cutters' to cut straight through the 2 combination padlocks attached to both front/back wheels). To go with my new bike; I also went and brought 2 x top security: 8/10 rated thick chain lock(s) this time around. So, far the bike is still safe; nothing stolen, yet(touch wood).