Monday 11 July 2011

Sat 9th July 2011 - brought 2 x 2nd hand chairs

Friday 8th July 2011, AOL sent me a wireless internet router box; only trouble is when I put the installation CD into my computer; I discovered that I had no USB wireless adaptor to connect with in order that my desktop PC could get to use wireless.

Therefore, Saturday 9th July 2011, I walked down the road with the intention to go and see if I could pick up a wireless adaptor cheap. I'd already searched on the internet, using web site; and, discovered you can get them at around £7.99 and upwards. The first shop I encountered at the bottom of Leigham Court Road in Streatham told me the cost was £32.00; I decided to look elsewhere, instead; going down towards Brixton Hill, Curry's electrical store. Before I reached the store going along Brixton Hill; I came across a 2nd hand shop on the left side of the road; I went in and looked through some artworks; then, came back outside where I saw there were 2 chairs. I decided to buy 2 of the spinning ofifice chairs; one, black/the other one, blue; both going for a really cheap £5.00. The only trouble was I had no transport to help carry the chairs home; after asking the vendor how much it would cost for them to transport it for me; he said something like £35; and, I just decided to carry both chairs home. First, I carried one/then, came back to go carry the other. That was some walk; carrying the seat of the chair on my head/and, the back of the chair on my back. Still eventually I got home; so, saving myself transport money.

NOTE: In the morning, before starting my journey, I found a small dead bird around 1 or 2 streets away from my home. I decided it would be good to draw; so, I took it back home; and, placed it into an orange Sainsbury's shopping bag tying it real tightly so no germs could get out; then, I left it on the floor, downstairs. However, when I came back home, I discovered my mum had already found the package; and, had immediately thrown it away, without bothering to ask any questions. So much for that drawing exercise gone all wrong!