Friday 23 April 2021

Fri 230421 22:08 Concerning events this week...glasses/Sharon visited/Facebook pages/-etc.

Most of these events are recalled...


Wed 210421

I remember, at the beginning of the week, going down the road to do some shopping...; and, running into an Optician...(guy who prescribes glasses). I had spoken to him, before; and, told him I had lost my glasses; need to get a new pair soon. He told me to come for an appointment the next day morning.


Thu 220421

I rang the optician to state that I had forgotten Streatham Job Centre was meaning to give me an very important phone call...for which I needed to stay, I'm not too sure if that phone appointment is likely to conflict with the optician appointment. The optician said, I must ring him back to keep him informed.

Some minutes, later, Streatham job centre phoned me...; and, told me everything was ok benefits-wise...and, I should expect to get another phone call from them around 6th May in the morning.

I phoned back the optician to say the appointment would not be missed.

Nevertheless, I still managed to arrive there late...the appointment was 10:40 PM; and, I arrived closer to 11 PM. They tested my eyes...and, said everything seems to be ok...; but, I will need to have some new lenses.

They said the lenses will be ready in less than a week/or, two; and, the cost would be £50.00 to pick it up.


Fri 230421

My cousin Sharon visited me during this morning at around 10 AM. I told her at the door, she can either choose to come in/or, not...but, I would prefer it if she came in. Unfortunately, as we spoke...I kept having slight coughing fits...not a good sign with Covid-19 around. So, I went and opened up both the back garden door/and, the front make sure that place was properly she would worry less. Anyway, I knew I was not making a good impression on her health wise; so, it might be a while before I ever get invited over there, yet. Still, it was very good of her to call on me; and, nice to see her looking both fit and strong...she has taken up, walking, regularly. Though, she did say there were still some diabetes problems to worry about...related to having high cholesterol readings; for which she was being prescribed some tablets.

She did not stay with me for too very long. She did mention it was Dominic's birthday, soon. Basically, we left the conversation she said she had to visit some other people.  


I stayed on the computer all day/night long. Playing poker/and, also, updating my Facebook pages. I'm working on building a new set of Facebook pages called: Paul Ramnora's Artist Series: (artists name goes here). 

So far, I've added: Picasso, Henri Matisse, Rembrandt, Alice Neel/-etc. There are, literally, 100's and 100's of artists out, it's likely that this series of 'shared' YouTube videos related to each individual artist...once started...may never actually end.


Actually, Facebook went and 'blocked' me from being able to create any more pages on their site...because they said I had already created far too many of these.

Sun 180421 Recalling my 58th birthday...

- (These events were recalled, afterwards on: Fri 230421; and, was not written on the actual day, itself.)-


The first thing I remember doing on my birthday was to get up and go have a close look inside of the mirror just to see how my face had 'changed' I really older or not?

I saw there many white hairs...especially, inside of my beard/but, also, on top of my head. I would say the black hairs do still manage to vastly out-number the grey/white, though...maybe, by around 90%. Nevertheless, white/grey hairs are being intermixed in there everywhere...far too many to go pluck out!


Next, I went and checked out see if anybody was interested in wishing me a Happy Birthday...? As usual, there were loads of birthday wishes...maybe around 10/or, 20+; -(this is because I tend to correspond with Facebook friends nearly each and every single day; and, whenever their birthday arrives...I send them good luck and best wishes); and, I tried my best to reply to everyone speaking on a personal level.


Because, the sun was shining down...and, also, it was Sunday(therefore, not a 'busy' working day/nor, a week day)...I recall phoning up my cousin, Sharon; and, asking if it was ok for me to come over there. Her reply to me was, essentially, no; due to Covid-19(this is in spite of my having had my 1st AstraZenica injection around the beginning of April/the 2nd injection due to be administered in June); but, she did say around May 12th the government are due to lift the ban on people interacting with one another.

So, I just calmly replied. No problem; after all, it's better to be 'safe, than, sorry'...; and, I really don't wish to give anybody a serious illness from which they can't ever recover.

Around 10/20 or so minutes, later on, cousin Sharon phoned me back, again; mentioning, 'Happy Birthday!' I hadn't told her I wasn't exactly feeling too proud to be aged 58...!


I phoned Millicent and Trevor. At first, Trevor answered the phone...I didn't actually tell him it was my birthday; but, as usual, we had a nice friendly chat. He told me Millicent was, I felt I would just call back, later.

I did call back Millicent; and, told her it was my birthday. She wished me, 'Happy Birthday', of course; and, also, we continued chatting for a bit.

UPDATE: Some days, after...I think, it was Wednesday...both Millicent and Trevor showed up at my front door (though, they did NOT come in...due to Covid-19); they brought me a Birthday card with £20.00 being included inside of it in the form of 2 x £10.00 notes; which I proceeded to store underneath the carpet in case of desperate need.

I gave them a drone...brought from an online a pack of 10 x give to Chris.


At first, I had planned to go out and spend the day drawing outside of the Tate Britain museum in Pimlico; but, as the day progressed...and, I 'eat/drunk' more and more...with my stomach really full...and, also, in the heat I felt, I didn't feel like travelling, anymore; so, ultimately, I spent a quite and peaceful day inside of the home...which is exactly how I like it.

Oh, and, I also went and did some tidying up...throwing out old food jars/tins dated 2012/2015/-etc.


Friday 9 April 2021

Fri 090421Job search/Visited Streatham job centre. Did some shopping in Aldi. Paid bills: Water Rate


I paid bills...

£35.00 Water Rate/£300.00 still remaining to be paid.


I signed into my online site...and, did some job searches for the day.


Because of yesterday's missed phone call; I had to go out to visit Streatham Job Centre in order to explain my case.

I told them I got the phone call...; but, was 'cut off'...and, when I tried phoning them wouldn't let me through.

They took a note of my details...; and, explained my case over the phone to my job centre advisor: Richard; who said everything was ok...and, my benefits would continue as normal. Too, they would contact me on the 22nd of April 2021.


As I walked up the road from Streatham Job Centre; I saw on the left hand side Aldi superstore; so, I decided to stop in there to buy some shopping. I brought £30.00+ worth of shopping...which I carried balancing 3 x full bags on either side of my bikes handle bars. Luckily, I got home 'safe'...without the bags splitting/-etc.

Thu 080421 Missed 'important' benefits phone call. Skrill placed block on a/c. Paid bills: Gas/Electric/Council Tax


The benefit people phoned me, twice. 

-(I completely forgot when it was they were due to phone me, again...?!)-

I missed the first phone just not being there...I was asleep.

The second phone call...I tried to reply to; but, the phone got 'cut off'...; then, when I tried to, repeatedly, phone them back...most frustratingly, I could not get through...?!  

Eventually, I decided to ride my bike all the way down order to explain, that I was in; and, I did here the phone ring; but, when I tried answering it...I couldn't get through.  

They said I should return back home; and, my job centre advisor: Richard, will phone be somewhere between 2 PM - 6 PM. I stayed home...; but, didn't receive any further call.

I decided to go visit them, again, tomorrow...; to go talk about this.


I went and made some further deposits into Skrill...£10.00 at a time.

At first, I had brought 1,010 XLM/(Stellar Lumen) bitcoins...; but, later on, decided to transfer this balance into buying some BTC/Bitcoins, instead.

I watched the balance going both 'up and down' just like a yo yo...and, all in one single day! Sometimes, it dropped by 10 points/then, the total climbed back up by 7 points/and, so on...

Eventually, I decided I've really had enough of this playing around...£380...went down to become £, after losing £30.00...I decided it's time to quit by doing a full withdrawal. Only, then, Skill placed a 'block' on my a/c. stating...I can't do anything without having to provide further 'verification'...?!

My account currently states a balance of £348.50; (none of which it's possible to withdraw/or, do anything else with).


I paid some bills...

£100.00 British Gas electricity/Gave new meter reading...£70.00 still remaining to be paid

£100.00 British Gas gas/Gave new meter reading...£317.00 still remaining to be paid

£ 34.00 Council Tax/£310.00 still remaining to be paid