Tuesday 22 August 2023

Tue 220823 Studying YouTube Bash scripting tutorials.../paid £60 towards electric bill

Lately, I've checked out YouTube videos that teaches one how to do Bash Shell Scripting...

 - (224) Bash Scripting Full Course 3 Hours - YouTube


I did go down to Streatham to pay a bill...costing £60.00.

It was a surprisingly hot sunny day...; but, I felt depressed; as I know after paying the £60.00 bill; there will be hardly any money left inside of my current a/c.; just merely £1.00.

Normally, on a hot sunny day, I would have gone out to visit seeing a gallery/museum/or, just travelling, maybe. But, I felt little or no energy...; maybe, the sunshine left me feeling dehydrated...; just wanted to return straight back home, instead.

I also noticed I was sniffling...; it made me think I could have contracted Covid, again...; which tends to happen quite invisibly; plus, it's been ages since I've had any back up Covid injections.


When I returned back home...I signed into British Gas web site...and, paid them £60.00 towards the £220.93 electric bill; thus, still leaving me to pay the remaining balance of £160.93.

I rang up British Gas...stating I was 'late' to make the £60.00 payment. Does the payment agreement still stand. They answered me, that no payment agreement has been cancelled.



Although, I went out...it was not a happy occasion...with all of the money in my a/c's left being totally depleted. So, I'm really struggling financially speaking to pay all of the endlessly incoming bills...??? Also, fixing up the house is impossible...in particular, the roof most desperately needs repairs...; with me having no money available to do that.

On a different level, normally, I would have run a bit; but, instead, I just merely walked. That deeply upset me, too...; as, normally, I at least attempt to do some exercise; however, today, I did not...; didn't feel enough energy/strength.

Thursday 17 August 2023

Thu 170823 Experimented with Linux Mint OS. Went CoOp to buy some cat pellet food £3.00

Mostly, I stayed in all day...


I studied some programming stuff...in particular, I tried running Linux Mint OS.

- https://www.linuxmint.com

...the problem was I had burned it to run from a DVD disc; and, that meant each time I had to restart the computer...and, 'wait' sometimes up to: 10/20/30 minutes...for the damn operating system to load...??? Sometimes, I just gave up 'waiting'...; plugged out the computer from the back...and, rebooted into Windows 10 Pro.

Another time, it all worked perfectly fine...until I tried shutting down the computer...; and, the damn thing kept spouting out endless error messages...?! So, once again, I had to pull out the back power chord...just to be able to reboot into Windows 10 Pro.

Each time the program went and successfully loaded, however...; I started to become more and more familiar with using Linux Mint OS; and, even got to like it...when everything was up and working right.

My own guess is, I'm going to have to figure out some way to install the thing...in full/as opposed to just doing a partial 'try out'...; then, hopefully, things will run a lot more smooth. For now, though, waiting for it to load...is no fun at all. In the days of 'instant' computing...and, SSD drives...; we are no longer willing to sit and 'wait'...?! Instead, we just wish to get on with working, immediately, right away.


I constantly debated about whether to go out down the road to go and buy the cat some pellet food; which had run out completely. 

As usual, I tend to leave everything right up until the very last moment. So, with just 10 minutes left before the CoOp superstore closes...I started running off down the road.

As soon as I reached the bottom of the road...luckily, a 68 bus came; which took me 2 stops down...where I got off...crossing over the road; and, entering into the CoOp.

I brought one box of Whiskas cat pellet food chicken flavour...for £3.00; and, then, returned back home.

On the bus some big white guy...tried to climb onto the bus...without paying for any ticket. The coloured bus driver objected...stating that unless he pays his fare; then, the bus ain't going to move. The white guy cursed at the black driver saying that he was being racist...because he only wanted to go just one stop...and, didn't see the point in paying £1.50 to do that. However, he coloured bus driver stood his ground really quite firmly. Then, the white guy, after realising he is going to get nowhere...hit on the coloured driver's door...and, then, got off.


Man, it's a strange thing life...you never quite know exactly what is going to happen, next...? You might think you are going down the road for the very simplest of things...go pick up a newspaper/go for a quick walk/run around the block...to get some 'fresh air'; and, then,...???

This is why I try to be extremely careful whenever I leave the house...even, if it's just to do something 'casual'...such as dump some rubbish half way down the road at the public tip. I try to make sure that both front/back doors are locked quite firmly shut...; and, that all lights are turned off...; and, no water tap has been left running/nor any electric fire left on.

Because, you just never ever know...if you go out...will you come back in still in one piece/alive or dead...?! A stranger's dog could bite you -(it has happened to my mum, before...; just as she was getting off the bus)-; and, I've certainly run into dogs behaving really aggressive towards me...for no other reason than they felt like it.

Other times, I've run into people drunk/on drugs/or, just plain 'racist'...who come towards you with a totally 'fuck you' attitude. You just got to pretend to stay cool; and, just 'ignore' them as much as you possibly can; otherwise, who knows...how that situation might tend to escalate. When somebody is in the mood to go looking for a fight...it doesn't take too much to trigger them off more and more.



Wednesday 16 August 2023

Wed 160823 Catching up...Ingeus/British gas/Insurance/-etc.

There are many things I should have done, today; including, get in touch with...

- Ingeus (am I still able to 'sign on' for benefits...or, did cut me off?!/Did they completely disconnect me from 'signing in' to Ingeus platform...?!/I need to sent in the 'latest' job search...)

- British Gas/Electric Bill (didn't pay £60.00 on time)

...unfortunately, my mind seems to be completely distracted by 'worry'.../and, also, getting on with doing other things...which should really 'wait'. 


22:58 Ingeus

I sent in to Ingeus my 'latest' job searches...dated up to 160823.

I also signed in to Ingeus web site...; apparently, my next appointment is on the 250823 midday.

(I don't think they've cut me off...otherwise, I wouldn't be able to sign in to the Ingeus portal/so, hopefully, my entitlement to benefits will still remain in place.)


Still have to deal with...

- British Gas/Electric Bill
- Legal & General Insurance (unpaid)

Tue 150823 Returned home from S/Missed Ingeus 140823 'mandatory' appointment...?! British Gas Electric £60 'unpaid'

I went to visit seeing S on Sunday evening; and, returned back home on Tue evening.

Over there I introduced C to writing web pages. In particular, we covered what are single tags/paired tags. h/p/br/b/i/u/-etc. 

As soon as I entered the house, I went and opened up the back garden door; and, immediately, fed the cat...who hadn't been fed before for, at least, 1 day.



Then, I checked out what was my next Ingeus appointment...; unfortunately, it said on the 14th I was meant to go and visit them..; which, obviously, I missed...as I wasn't home that day. I'm really not too sure how much this is going to affect my benefits...?!

I tried phoning up Ingeus...claming I was too ill to attend that day; they just simply said somebody will get in touch. 

When I phoned them, again, on the next day...they, simply, stated exactly the same thing.

I think, I'm going to have to 'sign in' to the Ingeus platform...to discover when my next appointment will be...; tha is, if they haven't completely closed down my Ingeus a/c.?!

-(I also have to send them notice of my 'latest' job searches...; which I usually do on Monday's.)-


I used my Tue 15 benefit to pay both...

£82.xx Thames Water  

£47.xx TalkTalk (internet/phone)

I cashed the £75.00 government voucher at West Norwood Post Office.


G gave me a sum of money £200.00; which, when I came home,

- I ordered one take away 'fish and chips'/plus, 'sausage in batter'/plus, 'Jamaican Pattie'. In all I spent around £10.00.

-I tried to part pay off my Cashplus a/c. I owe them £500.00; and, have to pay them £25.00 a month in interest. So, I deposited £190.00; thus, leaving me with balance due of £310.00 still left to pay; hopefully, that will cut down the amount of monthly interest owed, now.

On the other hand, my bank a/c, now, says totally flat broke; and, it isn't until another 2 weeks time before I am due to receive any benefit money, again; so, until then life is going to be a bit of a struggle...??? 


NOTE: I need to get in touch with British Gas...as the £60.00 fortnightly payment agreement due on Tue 15 for the Electricity, apparently, has not been paid, yet. I tried going to visit their web site...; and, looking at previous history of payments...and, just can't see it. 

I think what I might have done...is send that money to CashPlus, instead; thus, completely forgetting that the Electricty still hasn't been paid, yet...?!  

£220.93 British Gas Electric still owing.

Sunday 13 August 2023

Sun 130823 S phoned me...saying they are going to visit

10:47 PM GMT 

I awoke, fed the cat; then, let her out to go run inside of the backgarden.

I checked out my online/and, telephone balance...in order to find out if my accounts are overdrawn.

The CashPlus loan a/c. is £501.xx overdrawn!

I also checked Utility bills due online.

I owe Thames Water £82.xx.

I owe TalkTalk (phone/Internet): £47.xx

I owe TV Licensing: £80.00 

Next, I went and played an online game of Facebook chess. Apparently, I lost due to the time having ran out...without my even noticing...until when it was all too 'late'...?! 

Visited both WilliamHill/Ladbrokes online to take advantage of playing FREE bets.

11:33 PM Got a phone call from S to come and pick me up

Started getting dressed.

Sat 120823 Played online/offline chess : got beaten; took out 3 library books/brought artworks plus books Emmaus

 Sat 120823 16:33 PM GMT Played Chess both 'online/offline'...and, every single time I got beaten...!


Table of contents:-

-> Played 'live' chess online...got beaten 5 times in a row. Still haven't won 'one' yet...?!

-> Cat had no food left...; had to go out to buy her some...from West Norwood CoOp supermarket. Brought 3 x cat food pouches for £3.15p.

-> Visited West Norwood Library...where I took out 2 x graphic novel books/and, 1 other book related to Neurodivergent people such as Asperger's Syndrome(which is related to my own diagnoses...decided I wanted to read up about it some more...)

-> Returned back home...fed the cat/noticed the government had sent me a letter...which was a £75.00 cash voucher...you need to take down to your local Post Office..

-> Visited my local Emmaeus -(homeless)- Charity shop; brought 2 paperback books/3 x artworks; together with a large A2 size carry portfolio. In all I spent, £11.00.

-> (Was meant to visit the Post Office to cash a voucher...; but, let myself get 'distracted'.) Went over to West Norwood library...where they hold a Saturday Chess Club...open to all and sundry. They beat me 4 times in a row...after which I 'quit'. (Just couldn't take getting beaten, anymore!)

-> CONCLUSION: I'll go see/visit a gallery/museum, tomorrow, maybe...?


-> Played 'live' chess online...got beaten 5 times in a row. Still haven't won 'one' yet...?!

I can recall playing 'live' chess online somewhere...only, I seem to have forgotten where online it was...; let me go check my web browser history: [CTRL] + [H].

I think, I was playing 'live' online Chess as a part of Facebook games.


-> Cat had no food left...; had to go out to buy her some...from West Norwood CoOp supermarket. Brought 3 x cat food pouches for £3.15p.

The cat was begging me for food all morning long...; but, frankly, I had no more cat food left to give her any.

I got so fed up of her, constantly, begging...that I just picked her up...and, put her outside in the garden.

So, I knew, this very same morning...I've got to make the trip down to West Norwood CoOp supermarket to buy her some food.

I brought 3 x packages of Cat food. Usually, the price is 0.60p each; but, much to my utter surprise...the cost has now gone up to: £1.05 each...so, in all, I had to spend £3.15.


-> Visited West Norwood Library...where I took out 2 x graphic novel books/and, 1 other book related to Neurodivergent people such as Asperger's Syndrome(which is related to my own diagnoses...decided I wanted to read up about it some more...)

I now have quite a few library books out...something like 11...I will need to remember to 'renew' these online...if I don't wish to incur any further library book fines.

The last time, I had to pay them £10.00 in library book 'overdue' charges...; don't wish to repeat that situation...as I honestly cannot 'afford' it...?! (The whole idea about borrowing library books for FREE...is you shouldn't have to pay for it.)


-> Returned back home...fed the cat/noticed the government had sent me a letter...which was a £75.00 cash voucher...you need to take down to your local Post Office..

When I returned back home...the first thing I did was open the garden door...to let the cat in...so, that I could feed her one of the three cat pouches I'd brought.

That leaves 2 more cat pouches left...; I feed her both morning/evening...after which I shall have to go out to buy some more cat food, again; that'll, most probably, be coming Monday...when I need to buy some more.

I saw 2 letters having come in through the door letterbox. I opened up both...all the time, worrying, it might be a bill.

- Letter 1 said, they are switching the debt company to whom I'm paying £5.00 monthly to go clear a bill...to debt company with a different name.

- Letter 2 said, the government is giving those people who are the most needy a £75.00 cash voucher...which you need to take to the Post Office with ID to cash.

I thought to myself...a gift of £75.00 is just what I 'need', right now. Though, I can also think of, at least, 7 or so overdue bills which that same £75.00 could go towards.

Anyway, I decided to leave home, again...; in order to go visit the Post Office.


-> Visited my local Emmaeus -(homeless)- Charity shop; brought 2 paperback books/3 x artworks; together with a large A2 size carry portfolio. In all I spent, £11.00.

There are 2 branches of Emmaus along the high street...; one close to where I live...just 2 streets away/and, the other branch is across the road.

I went and visited both branches. In the first branch -closest to where I live-; I brought 2 paperback books costing 0.50p eac/plus, 1 hard back book costing £1.00...so, a total of £2.00 was spent on books.

These 3 books are related to...

- Artist: Chuck Close (hardback: £1.00)
- 101 Spy Gadgets for the Evil Genius
- 15 minutes Fitness/Pub. DK

In the next branch of Emmaeus -(located across the road)-; I brought 3 x artworks...2 painted boards costing £3.00 each/and, 1 Renoir board(a print), also, costing £3.00.

I also brought an old A2 sized art carrying portfolio...for just £1.00.

So, in all I spent £11.00 in both Emmaeus Charity shops.


-> (Was meant to visit the Post Office to cash a voucher...; but, let myself get 'distracted'.) Went over to West Norwood library...where they hold a Saturday Chess Club...open to all and sundry. They beat me 4 times in a row...after which I 'quit'. (Just couldn't take getting beaten, anymore!)

My original intention was to go and visit West Norwood Post Office...; where I needed to cash a voucher. However, my mind got 'distracted'...and, instead, of entering into the Post Office, first...; I crossed over the road, and, visited the library, instead; because, I was curious to find out if any Chess games are going on...? When I went it...I saw there were Chess tables/timers out. At first, I just watched others playing...feeling totally mesmerized; next, I decided it was time for me to play.

The first guy I played...the match lasted fairly long. In Chess, there is a 'start' game/'middle' game/'end' game. Well, this match lasted all the way up until the 'end' game came. However, I have to admit, all throughout the game...I did feel outplayed...; knowing this other guy was a much better player than me...so, I felt 'pressured' all the way.

The next guy, I played...he is a 'regular' there...who, actually, runs the Chess club....so, I met him/played against him many times. Just don't ask me what his name is...; as, frankly, I forgot...?! Anyway, very rarely do I win against him...as I'm the kind of guy who tends to make really 'dumb' mistakes...due to impatience/lack of concentration...a good Chess player will totally capitalize on any such weakness. Anyway, I lost that game, too. I think, it lasted only up until when the 'middle' game came, this time.

The final guy, I played...well, he beat me during the 'start' game...in something like 6 moves I just could NOT believe it...; then, he explained to me...that there was a legal move I could have done, but, missed it...so, he showed me the legal move...and, suggested we continue playing from there. Needless to say, this led to another really 'quick' win by him. I just stood up...shook his hand...and, congratulated him on being a 'Chess Genius'. Nobody tends to beat me that 'fast'...!

I walked out of the library...feeling quite happy to have had a game/(not too happy about getting beaten, though...which, always, makes me feel somewhat 'sore' inside...like am I really stupid/or, what...?!); also, I did a little bit of socialising with total and complete 'strangers'...without getting into arguments/quarrels/fights...that's all good. A 'safe' way to have started the day.

What was bad...is when I came out of the library...; all of a sudden, i remembered I had a voucher to cash at West Norwood Post Office across the road from West Norwood library; only, today is now Saturday...when the Post Office closes, early...around midday; furthermore, they won't be open, again...not until Monday. So, as usual, I got there 'late'...all due to ADD/Attention Deficit Disorder...doing things I should NOT be doing/and, completely forgetting about what I 'should' have been doing.

Well, it's no big emergency, I suppose...I can 'wait' until when Monday comes...in order to go pay the bills.


-> CONCLUSION: I'll go see/visit a gallery/museum, tomorrow, maybe...?

When I awoke, I swear, my 'original' plan had been to go and visit a gallery/museum...and, do some drawing; but, as they say...

'The best laid plans of mice and men...do tend to go awry...?!'

Seeing a galley/museum...can 'wait' until when tomorrow comes, I guess.



Thursday 10 August 2023

Thu 100823 Visited the National Gallery/Paid off PraGroup bill £30.00/Nil balance

 Thu 100823 20:29 PM GMT Visited the National Gallery, Trafalgar Square


Table of contents:-

-> 10:00 AM Awoke...with severe neck pain...two days all in a row

-> 10:30 PM Fed the cat...completely ran out of all cat food/decided to give the cat some sardines in a tin...(one of 2 tins left...meant to feed myself)

-> 11:00 AM Cooked rice...forgetting about my morning Job centre appointment

-> 12:06 PM Streatham Job Centre, arrived there 'late'...the sign on guy about to take his lunch break

-> 13:00 PM Savings 'fast' running out...had to withdraw another £50.00...to pay bills/£350.00 previous balance...now, says just £300.00 left.

-> 14:00 Returned back home...paid PraGroup a final £30.00 online...; thus, cleared off paying what was the 'original' £1,500.00+ Barclaycard Mastercard bill in full.

-> 4:30 PM St Thomas Hospital 'Physiotherapy' appointment...arrived there just in time...3 minutes early.

-> 17:00 PM Visited the National Gallery, Trafalgar Square


-> 10:00 AM Awoke...with severe neck pain...two days all in a row

I awoke to severe neck pain, yet, again; -two days in a row, now-; thus, making getting out of bed really 'painful and slow'.

I got to find a way to 'rest/sleep' properly...so, that my neck doesn't keep on hurting. I think, it comes from the following...

1> The pillow I'm using is far too soft.

2> The wall near the bed head is really 'cold'/as is the metal bedhead itself...so, I don't get any sort of relief from placing my head there.

3> The house itself is 'cold/damp/wet'...leaking roofs everywhere...and, I had to turn off the 'central heating', totally...as I cannot afford to pay British Gas...£600.00 bill per quarter...?!

4> I have to 'turn/twist' in order to watch the TV...which is situated off to the side of the bed.

Things are not quite as simple as placing the TV at the foot of the bed...; because the ceiling -at the bottom of the bed- leaks whenever it rains...and, I don't want the TV electrics to get wet...which would 'destroy' the TV(I cannot afford to buy a next TV)!


-> 10:30 PM Fed the cat...completely ran out of all cat food/decided to give the cat some sardines in a tin...(one of 2 tins left...meant to feed myself)

Unfortunately, all of the dry cat food pellets is nearly done...; so the box is almost empty of any contents. Nevertheless, I gave the cat some of the few cat pellets that was left.

Normally, I would give her pouch food (meat/fish) in the morning; but, all of the pouch food is completely gone...?!

So, instead, there were 2 tins of sardines...which I actually brought to eat myself...with some bread.

I decided to give the cat 1 tin of sardines during the morning...as, otherwise, she keeps on 'begging' me to go feed her...; which makes me feel really guilty and ashamed.

In a single tin of sardines...there is 3 fish...; normally, what I would do is...eat 2 fish myself...and, give the cat 1 fish to go and eat, raw. However, this time...because there was no cat food pouches left...I switched it...and, gave the cat 2 sardine fishes to eat, raw...whilst I eat one of the sardines myself.

The sardines come coated in 'red tomato sauce'...which I drained into a plate...so, the cat could go lick it all up...which she did do with great enjoyment.

When the cat had finished eating, I let her out to go run inside of the back garden, as is usual.

I placed the one sardine fish that was left over...into a frying pan...and, cooked it/heated it up...adding on top both table salt/table pepper.


-> 11:00 AM Cooked rice...forgetting about my morning Job centre appointment

I was feeling really hungry...so, I decided to throw into a cooking pan 2 cups of white rice...carefully, washing it 3 times...in warm water/then, finally, poured on some cold...just enough to cover the rice by 1 cm...turned on the electric twin hub cooker...and, left the rice to 'slowly' cook there.

- added 1 x tin of corn (the last tin)

- added 1 x tin of green peas

- added 1 x tin of chick peas (2019/out of date...I smelled it...and, it smelled ok)

- diced up half a white onion/and, too, half a red onion

- diced up a 1 tomato

...sprinkled everything with salt

...added 1 tablespoon full of butter.

Then, when I looked up at the time...as I was waiting for the pot of food to cook, properly. I realised that my job center appointment was 11:40 AM...and, the time on the wall clock showed that it was, right now, 11:40 AM on the dot...therefore, I was already 'late'....?! So, I stopped cooking; and, just turned off the pot...I can properly cook it, later on.


-> 12:06 PM Streatham Job Centre, arrived there 'late'...the sign on guy about to take his lunch break

I arrived at Streatham Job Centre for a 11:40 AM appointment...at 12:06 PM, instead. So, the 'sign on' guy was about to take his lunch break at 12:00 midday.

I had some difficulty getting over there...
first, absent mindedly and in a total hurry, I found I'd taken the 'wrong' route...; so, after walking/running down the road for some way...I had to run all the way back up the hill, again...in order to cross over the street at the top...then, keep on moving along...for around 1 mile.

When I reached the job centre I was sweating whole buckets.../and, my legs were completely gone, almost.

Anyway, the 'sign on' guy knows me really well...; and, so, he knows I'm on my way...by both 'walking/running' over there.

He let me 'sign on' late...; and, promised me everything was going to go through ok. 'You should get paid in 3 days time'...meaning, by next Tuesday.

I sincerely apologised to him for being so slow...; and, then, very quickly left...so, that he can go to have his lunch.


-> 13:00 PM Savings 'fast' running out...had to withdraw another £50.00...to pay bills/£350.00 previous balance...now, says just £300.00 left.

I had to go and withdraw another £50.00 from out of my £350.00 balance...; thus, leaving me with just £300.00 in savings left.

I have to pay a PraGroup Barclaycard Mastercard loan bill...£30.00 left still to pay off/and, also, the Water Rate. If I can't pay the Water Rate in full...; then, at least, I could contribute something by making a 'part' payment towards it. The outstanding Water Rate bill is around £79.xx.


-> 14:00 Returned back home...paid PraGroup a final £30.00 online...; thus, cleared off paying what was the 'original' £1,500.00+ Barclaycard Mastercard bill in full.

At the start of the month...I had to pay PraGroup £210.00; but, due to my making regular payments...; -(ignoring buying my favourite 'chicken n chips' at £10.00 per time/combining taking out my other savings/-etc)-; and, making further sacrifices here and there...; I was able to reduce that bill down to say just £30.00 left to pay.

When I returned back home from Streatham I paid Pra Group, £30.00; thus, leaving me with a nil balance to pay.

I truly cannot say just how good it feels to have, finally, paid off...what was an original' bill of £1,500.00+...due to Barclaycard Mastercard...which took me years/if not decades long to clear...!

Now, I still have left to pay 3 lots of £5.00 which is £15.00 monthly...to other creditors.

£500.00 CashPlus loan due (£25.00 monthly)

3 for £5.00 monthly payment agreement...
£3,500.00 Barclaycard VISA due
£350.00 NCOEurope (I forgot exactly which 'credit card' needing paying there)
...and, there's another one, I seem to have forgotten the name...?

Then, I got on top of it all, a further...

£2,000.00 Nat West overdaft loan

So, in all I currently owe creditors somewhere around: £7,000.00..; and, I only got £300.00 in savings left; this makes me completely 'bankrupt', I'm afraid!


-> 4:30 PM St Thomas Hospital 'Physiotherapy' appointment...arrived there just in time...3 minutes early.

As usual, I get to all my appointments really 'late'. (ADD/Attention Deficit Disorder...constant 'distractions'...?!)

I realized I had an important Physiotherapy appointment to make at St Thomas Hospital...at either 4 PM/or, 4:30 PM..and, I really couldn't remember which...as I just couldn't find where was the 'latest' appointment letter...?! Though, I did find a 'last' appointment letter...which I could use to identify me at reception.

I eat some rice somewhere around 3 PM.

Nearing 4 PM I rushed off down the road...; in a 'mad dash' to get down to the bus stop...all because I know I'm going to get there 'late'. When I did arrive at the bus stop...after running all the way straight down to the bottom of the road. I realised I had forgotten to take my 'bus pass' along with me...?! Thus, I had to rush all the way back up to the top of the hill...to go and collect it at home...inside of my top coat pocket; then, rush back down to the bottom of the hill, again.

I climbed up onto a number 196 bus...; which went from West Norwood to Brixton. At Brixton, I got off the bus...and, switched to taking tube train, instead. The tube took me to Green Park station...where I switched to the Jubilee line tube...taking me off to Waterloo.

When I got out of Waterloo station...I felt totally 'disoriented'...as I couldn't see St Thomas hospital being anywhere near...after carefully watching the skyline all around...? I had to ask questions...as I knew the hospital is not too far away from Waterloo station. When I got answers...I had to do some more walking/running.

Eventually, I saw St Thomas Hospital up ahead...near the London Eye tourist attraction...; I passed by the London Eye...and, then, went over and across Westminister Bridge road...the hospital is located on the other side of this road.

Walking/running into the hospital...I had to stop to ask questions...as to where is the 'Physiotherapy' department. They told me Lambeth Wing/3rd floor...; so, I took the lift going straight upwards. Coming out the lift...not too sure which way to turn...left/right...? Asked some further questions...turned right...found the Physiothearapy department sign.

When I arrived at the receptionist desk...I asked the nurse, anxiously...have I missed my appointment or not...as I really couldn't remember if it was 4 PM/or, 4:30 PM...the current time said 3 minutes before 4:30? -(I had already missed the previous appointment/and, they said if I missed a next...they would, immediately, 'discharge' me...; and, all this after having to wait a whole entire year to get to be seen by them. The bike accident happened on 6th Aug 2022/and, the hospital appointment was 10th Aug 2023.)-

The nurse assured me that I was 3 minutes early. So, she registered my name as being there...and, just told me to sit down and wait to be called. I waited for, at least, 20 minutes...; then, returned back to the receptionist nurse...asking is the consultant here/or, not...? Or, how much longer do I have to wait...after patiently waiting 20 minutes long. She said she would chase it up...; when she returned back to me...; she said the consultant was there.

Eventually, a Muslim looking sort of guy...short/slim...came up to the reception area and called my name. I replied back...yes, it's me. He took me off to a curtained off hospital area inside the ward.

He explained that he had sent me some exercises to do through an email; did I get it...? I told him, yes, I had seen the email...and, signed in to the web site...; but, I was afraid to do any arm exercises in case things might get worse...instead, I wanted to see an actual consultant, face to face, first; so, they could tell me what exercise is best to do/or, not.

He asked me to do a few 'push/pull' exercises...to test how well my left arm is working. Push/pull his arm up/down/sideways.

Anyway, his final conclusion was...I was ok...the arm had pretty much healed...with just a few niggles here and there. He said, so long as I approach doing exercises, slowly...; then, gradually, things should improve.

He also said he would make another appointment in 8 weeks time; and, he would email me some further exercises to do.

I just left it there...thanked him/too, the receptionist for their help/support...and, then, left Taking a plastic cup of water to drink before I left that floor.

Went back down in the lift...; then, walked back out into the street/sunshine, again.

(It was a sunny day, thanks be to Dear God. I don't need to worry about the house roof, constantly, leaking...; and, having to place down buckets...to go catch up all of the rain water.)


-> 17:00 PM Visited the National Gallery, Trafalgar Square

The famous Westminister 'clock tower' called, Big Ben...which I could see straight up ahead of me...on the other side of the Westminister Bridge...is located just opposite Trafalgar Square...and, at Trafalgar Square...there is The National Gallery. So, I really couldn't resist getting on a bus...to go and take a 'quick' look.

These are areas I used to frequently haunt when younger. But, now, that I'm older...and, slower/less strong...I tend to go visit seeing there far less. (There used to be a time when I would walk/run around this same area 24 hours per day.)

In fact, I got a little bit 'distracted' -(ADD/Attetion Deficit Disorder)- and, went and visited...the area at the back of The National Gallery...namely, St James Market...where I entered Japan House. I walked around inside of there...and, explored seeing both 'upstairs/downstairs'...looking at the food/drink/manga comics/learn to read/write Japanese Kanji books. After I realised it's getting really 'late' to go visit seeing The National Gallery which will be closing, soon; I very quickly walked straight back upstairs/then, out.

When I did arrive at The National Gallery...the guards there told me...in 10 minutes time we will close. I told them I only wanted to ask the receptionist a quick question. So, they let me in...; and, showed me over to the receptionist desk. I inquired at the desk...will they have 'late night drawing', tomorrow? One receptionist said, yes...; but, she wasn't sure about the time...; I must check it online. A next receptionist who I spoke to...at the side...said, no, there is no 'late Friday' evening drawing session scheduled. Thus, I ended up getting very mixed messages here...??? But, no problem, whenever I arrive back home...I will query into much more online...by visiting seeing The National Gallery web site.

For a short time...such as a minute or two...I saw a room inside of The National Gallery that was devoted to showing off artist Paula Rego's work. I would have stayed there much longer, in fact...; but, the guards called out 'closing time' had come.



It was a very 'busy' day...normally, I don't tend to travel around so much...nor go so far out.

it was, too, a really 'strange' experience...returning back to visit seeing old haunts. All I could think of was...what it had felt like back when I was half my age...and, had so much 'energy/strength'...; then, I would 'walk/run' absolutely everywhere...and, all in a dreadful hurry...sometimes, going and visiting seeing multiple different galleries all in 'one' single day.

But, now-a-days, my body seems to have 'slowed' down so much. I find myself walking around going at an old man's pace/and, I don't feel anywhere near the same boundless 'energy/strength' I had when I was younger.

So, it felt kind of both 'good/bad'...'happy/sad'. Good/happy to be out and about, again...; but, at the same time, bad/sad, that I really can't 'enjoy' the experience in quite the same manner as when I was 'young'. The legs can hardly 'walk/run'...the stamina is no longer there...the feelings of having boundless 'energy' to spare is far less...; and, in this sense, I felt really very deeply disappointed.

The thoughts I had inside were...a 16 year old...does not see/experience this world...in the same way a 60 year old person does. The 60 year old person is kind of 'all washed up'...as in, already 'been there/done that' before. Whereas, to the 16 year old...absolutely everything one experiences is entirely 'new'...and, therefore, different. Whereas, an old person sees, the same, the same, the same.

Man, deep down inside of me...things have considerably 'changed'...! Yes, I still have big enthusiasm...I still believe I can do this/do that...; but, compared to when 'young'...the strength needed to follow through on all of that enthusiasm...seems to be a lot less...it's almost like I really don't care, anymore...and, what happens happens...that's that. I continue to explore seeing outside.../or else, I don't...whenever feeling totally 'tired'...just return back home...and, go watch the TV/Internet, instead. Either way, it doesn't matter. But, when younger...for me, going outside was just about all and everything.



St Thomas Hospital, Musculo Skeletal 'physiotheraphy' department


The National Gallery


Wed 090823

 Wed 090823 17:19 PM GMT Money worries...constant struggle to keep one's head above water...?! Too, struggles with old age.../ill health.



Today, I had to go and pay £50.00 worth of bills; because my current a/c. said nil balance. The only savings I have left in the world is just £350.00. It takes around £500.00 per quarter to keep the house running...gas bill/electric bill/water rate/tv licence/phone and internet/also, multiple other loans still needing to be paid off/-etc.

Can't afford to go fix up the house...that's, gradually, crumbling down all around me.../roof leaking in multiple places, all together at once, when it rains/dry rot setting in/dampness/mould.

So, frankly, I find myself constantly worrying about what in the hell am I going to do, next...?! As I'm walking along the streets...I find myself, sometimes, talking to myself; and, asking myself the exact same question over again and again: 'What am I going to do? What am i going to do...?!' And, I can't think of any clear answer...; far from seeing things getting any better...; i can only see them getting worse and worse...like what happens when 'all' of my savings runs out...; and, I got nowhere else to get help/and, nobody else to turn to...???



At the same time, I try my best to not look too down...; lest other people might notice it/or, be affected by my own damned 'miserable' mood themselves. One has to keep up pleasant appearances in order to please the rest of the world around you.

The other thing I keep on thinking is...too much worry is not good for you. It is by doing too much worrying why some people end up going completely 'mad'...!

So, I try to take things as 'lightly' as possible...and, think about good things....such as how beautiful is the sky/clouds/flowers/trees/birds/bees/-etc. I still have a place to live in...got a 'safe' roof over my head...and, a warm comfortable bed to sleep in/-etc. -(Though, another part of my mind tends to wonder...what will happen when all of that is gone...?!)-

Also, I have some computing skills...; and, can type 60 w.p.m...; so, I'm not totally useless, hopeless, or, dumb!

Anything good I can think of...to try and take my mind off doing constant endless worrying.



The other great difficulty I'm having is being totally 'out of shape'. I do try and exercise every now and then; but, most unfortunately, I don't tend to stick with doing any 'regular' keep fit routine for very long...; 'start and stop' has always been the very same training pattern I've used right thoughout my life...even as a child.

Then, when I let myself get completely 'out of shape'...; I find I can hardly run 10 yards...without out breathing out really loud just like a horse....huffing and puffing away.

It's embarrassing to see me attempting to run on the streets...usually, because I find I'm 'late' to an appointment...; running at an incredibly 'slow' pace of just 3 m.p.h; and, still being left breathless...having to stop...due to fearing -if I push too much- I might just have a heart attack...?! I wish I was kidding...; but, the truth is, I'm not. Yes, things are really that bad.

Then, I go back to when I was 'younger'...say half my age of 60...at 30, I swear, I could still 'walk/run/move'. But, now-a-days, really very little or nothing. I have to ask myself what the hell happened to make my health run down so 'fast'...?! If an older person stops training...they get 'stiff/slow/lacking in stamina' in next to no time...say within a week.

You see a 'young' person can get fit fast...as they can push themselves really hard. But, an unfit older person...has to push themselves both patiently and slow...; they cannot force/or, hurry it...; otherwise, they will simply end up doing themself some sort of serious injury.



I woke up this morning...with severe pain in my neck. Something about the pillow I sleep on...it's not firm enough. And, the position of the TV is off to the side of the bed...; thus, in order to view the TV...I have to 'turn/twist'. All of this results in 'bad sleep/poor rest'.

When I awoke my neck was hurting so damned bad...that I had to both 'slowly and painfully' move off the bed. I actually thought about going to visit seeing the hospital 'accident and emergency'...just to discover what must be going wrong...?!

Instead, I went off down to the kitchen...and, putting on the electric kettle, I filled up a small sized 'hot water bottle'...which I placed around my neck...for up to 1/2 an hour long; and, much to my own surprise, the 'heat' seemed to treat the 'neck/back' injury well; as I found I could move a bit better, now...as the warm muscle seem to relax more. This house is just far too cold, I think; it freezes one's muscles.

Right now, the sun is shining...so, things are a little bit warmer; but, then, all the time, I'm very deeply 'aware'...that we are now in the middle of August...and, Winter is coming...with both the 'bitter cold'/and, too, 'the constant rain'

The chimney pot is leaning the wrong way...I wonder if the Winter winds are going to blow it down...; and, if it does fall...will it crash into the roof...producing a next leak to be fixed/or, will it fall on somebody who is passing by...and, thus, end up hurting them...?! I don't know...; all I do know is this much...I don't have the money to pay builders to put up scaffolding to go fix/or, replace the chimney pot.


Sunday 6 August 2023

Sun 060823 Latest News/Events Summary









- I joined some FREE online storage sites...

-- https://www.idrive.com
-- https://www.roofr.com



- I recall going to visit Tate Gallery who were open 'late' night Friday...040823. I practiced doing some drawing there...; as well as, meeting a few people (poetry class/I showed some guy, Origami bird; he took me animating it on his phone). I also ran into some girl...Shermin, I think, her name was...who had seen me (pre-Covid) drawing at The National Portrait Gallery on late night Friday's. She informed me...they are not doing late night Friday drawing at The National Gallery; as NPG lacks the necessary funding, at the moment.



Today, Sun 060823, I found a CD RW 4.7 GB...which I decided to pop into the CD tray to test. Sure enough, it works...I can now store files really very easily up to 4.7 GB worth.

The limitations are...

- both 'reading/writing' data to the CD is rather 'slow'...as opposed to 'reading/writing' to an SSD drive (but, manageable, if one is patient)

- what if I were to lose the CD/or, it were to become accidentally damaged/(stepped on)...???

- the data both is/and, isn't 'portable'...with online storage...you can be sure you can get to your data from any computer in the world; but, when data is stored on disc...you have to carry it physically with you, all the time...otherwise, you no longer have access

- because the CD RW is NOT protected in any way...anyone gaining access to it...is able to view ALL files



I tried to download...

- https://www.balaenaetcher.com
- https://www.ubuntu.com

...in order to run Ubuntu from off my external hard drive; but, most unfortunately, it didn't work.

I did download balaenaEtcher normal version/as opposed to 'portable' version; so, maybe, I should have tried doing that, instead.

All I know is I want desperately to be able to work with the GUI version of Linux Ubuntu...so, that I can get to practice more.



I played FREE games of...

- 'spin the wheel' every day at both: ladbrooks/William Hill

- Ladbrooks FREE poker 


Tuesday 1 August 2023

Wed 030823 Pra Group online payment: £5.00/£210 bal.

Table of Contents:-

- William Hill/Ladbrokes 'Spin The Wheel'

- Pra Group online payment: £5.00/£210 bal.


- William Hill/Ladbrokes 'Spin The Wheel'

Of late, for the last couple of days...I've tried visiting both...

- https://www.ladbrokes.com

- https://www.williamhill.com

...where I played 'spin the wheel' game for FREE. I believe, in all I won a grand total of: £0.04p.

-(I figured if it's FREE...then, it really doesn't matter if I win/loose; and, then, again, who knows...I might just win big time, possibly. Though, mostly, all you ever win with these FREE games is just mere pennies.)-


- Pra Group online payment: £5.00/£210 bal.

Early this morning, I decided to make an  online payment to PraGroup of £5.00. This left a balance still to pay of £210.00. 


Tue 020823 Visited PGTB Foodbank

PGTB Foodbank

The fridge was getting 'empty', again. So, I decided to 'swallow my sense of pride'...and, go and visit the PGTB/Paxton Green Time Bank Foodbank. (This is the 2nd time I've visited them.)

I was going to take bus over there...; but, the 322 bus was really 'slow' to arrive. So, instead, I just simply walked.

-(Along the way, I also came across Clive Road community centre foodbank; but, they were, currently, 'closed'.)-

Eventually, I arrived at PGTB Foodbank..where I handed over a £5.00 note to the receptionist guy...; and, was given 2 bags of food to take home. 1 bag contained fruit & veg/the other bag contained stuff to heat up inside of the microwave/-etc.


I took the bus in order to get back home...a bus up to Crystal Palace/then, a next bus 322 to take me home...; when the 322 arrived in West Norwood...; I had to get off and cross over the road to take a number 2 bus to West Norwood bus garage.

I was really lucky, today, though...as I didn't need to wait far too long for the buses to arrive...; and, it sure as hell beat walking with 2 relatively heavy bags.  


Mon 010823 Visited Ingeus/Tate Britain Gallery/Dulwich Picture Gallery £43.00 yearly

 Mon 310723 17:00 PM GMT Visited Ingeus/Tate Britain Gallery.


Table of contents:-






Today, I had to go and visit Stockwell for a job centre directed appointment with Ingeus. I'd gone and missed, at least, 2/3 of these appointments, before...each time, arriving there 'late', unfortunately...; and, so, they wrote me a letter stating that it's, now, 'mandatory' to go...otherwise, one's benefits could be affected.

Being a 'poor' person, already, I didn't wish to lose my benefits...as, frankly, that's all I have left to go live on...??? On this occasion, I made sure to arrive there, promptly, on time...I believe, I was 10 minutes early, in fact; and, had to sit down, and, 'wait' for the appointment time to come.

The person I saw was not my usual advisor...who, I think, was off sick; but, a different person, altogether, instead. Anyway, they made really short work of it all...within around 15/20 minutes...I was already on my way back out, again.



After having gone and visited Ingeus offices in Stockwell...; I thought to myself...I might as well go and visit seeing the Tate Gallery which lies just over Vauxhall bridge. (Stockwell, being the adjoining district next to Vauxhall.)

So, because I now have a 60+ FREE bus travel pass...; I decided to go hop onto a number 88 bus...which takes me straight over to the gate of Tate Gallery...across the road.

When I walked into Tate Gallery, I told the receptionist...that I had recently lost my wallet...together with all my cards having been contained therein...which, in turn, meant that I also lost my Tate Gallery membership card. I showed her my 60+ travel card/with photo as ID. After, first, getting me to confirm my address details...house number/road/post code/-etc. Then, she printed me out a 'new' Tate Gallery membership card/with bar code, instantly.

I went and checked out the 'lastest' two exhibitions...; The Rosetti's(downstairs).../and, Julien(upstairs). I didn't actually stay to visit seeing any of these exhibitions...; because, I'd already seen them before; but, instead, I just wanted to acquire an exhibition leaflet...which they hand over to all visitors who walk in.

After that I walked into the 'drawing room' area...where they place out 2 artist easels/pencils/coloured pencils to draw with...plus, paper. They used to put out A3 sized papers, before, I do very distinctly recall...that would be pre-Covid times; but, recently, I've noticed they only put out A4 sized papers, now-a-days. (I much preferred drawing on A3/but, I guess, they deliberately chose to put down A4 in order to save themselves some money.)

I practised drawing 1 or 2 sculptures; and, then, because I'd entered the gallery 'late'...at 5 PM...and, they close at 6 PM...therefore, closing time came up really 'fast'...; when all visitors were ushered out by guards.

I stayed outside for around 1 hour or so...copying one of the outside sculptures...and, also, doing a lot of 'staring'...at how the effects of 'light' affects the outside sculpture by reflecting directly off of it.

Eventually, though, I left for home...; by taking a number 2 bus straight back to West Norwood garage.



Today, my DDR/Direct Debit to Dulwich Picture Gallery became due...; so, I had to make sure that my current a/c. had £43.00 in there to pay for the year.

However, when I went and checked my bank a/c.; it stated that the payment did go through, successfully. Thus, I can now look forwards to both seeing/visiting Dulwich Picture Gallery a whole lot more(it is my nearest major picture gallery.../Tate Britain gallery is located further out).

I haven't been a regular visitor there...not since pre-Covid. Though, I did recently make one visit to go and see their 'latest' Berthe Morisot exhibition; on that same date I requested a Direct Debit membership, as well; and, thus, was let in in advance -(before the DDR had become due)- to go see the show. 
