Friday 29 November 2013

Fri 29th Nov 2013 Morning: Dentist appointment/Evening: Went Cineworld to see movie: Carrie


This morning I had a dentist appointment to go and get my teeth cleaned at 11:20 AM at Knights Hill dental surgery. I went; and, am glad to say I don't need to return back for another 6 months, at least.

However, I do have a further dentist appointment with head dentist George Brown on the 13th December at 11:40 AM; I think, it's a check up.


Today, Friday 29th Nov 2013, I received through the post a 'black' Unlimited Premium card from Cineworld; which allows me to watch all movies for FREE; but, also, needs to be paid for monthly at a cost of £18.90.

I'd booked to see the horror movie called, Carrie, at 21.15 PM. Carrie has unusual to make things/people move just by merely thinking about it. A very good movie to watch, at least, once; though, I'm really not sure that I'd ever wish to watch it, again. I prefer martial arts/or, other action shoot outs/-etc.


I went and visited, at least, over 10 different Starbucks stores; inside of each one of these I brought myself a 0.50p chocolate coin. My idea being to build up a series of purchases totalling, at least, 50 before Nov 2014; because this will entitle me to have 'gold card' status membership up until then; otherwise, my membership will revert back to normal. Right now, my Starbucks a/c. says I got 26 more purchases still left to go. I believe I will reach my goal before the year 2013 ends; who knows maybe even in the space of just a week or less.

Today, I used my Starbuck 'gold' membership status to order a 'hot chocolate' with cream topping/and, multiple free syrups; all created and ordered using my iPad app; I think, the cost was something like £3.xx+; but, the drink they gave me was both tall, and, absolutely delicious. I came away feeling really and truly satisfied. ;-)


I went to MacDonalds restaurant, and, ordered: Fries, Chicken Nuggets, and, a hot choclate drink. It all came to around £5.00.


I brought some items from down at my local Emmaeus charity shop totalling £5.00.

A novel: Hui Wei - Shanghei Baby (erotic novel) £0.50p
2 x prints: Roual Duffy/Duncan Grant £2.50
1 x sketch/painting £1.00
1 x wooden sculpture/abstract female/2nd hand £1.00


When I came back home; my bank balance actually said, I'm over the credit limit by £5.10p!

Monday 25 November 2013

24 Nov 2013 Went Cineworld/Visited different churches/Starbucks card


During the weekend I went and visited Cineworld in Shaftesbury Avenue, at The Trocadero complex.

I actually went there on Friday; and, my Cineworld 'unlimited' card pass was NOT accepted by them; because it's due for renewal; which had not been done, yet, apparently; even though I was sure I had made a phone call requesting they take out a monthly DDR from my bank a/c.

On Saturday I went back there, again; this time they confirmed that my request to upgrade to Premium card had been accepted; and, so, I was allowed in to watch the movies; I stayed there all day long watching movies.

On Sunday, I returned back to Cineworld, again; because there were still a few movies left which I had not seen, yet; usually, they have at least 7 or so movies all running together at once. On Sunday I saw an Indian Bollywood style movie. I now have just one more movie to go watch there; and, it's another Indian Bollywood type of movie. I think, I will go see that on Monday, possibly; but, if not; then, on Tuesday.

At first, I paid for my Cineworld yearly membership using a 1 time fee: £210.00. However, now, that I'm totally flat broke; therefore, it just isn't possible to pay for yearly membership anymore; therefore, I decided to switch the payment method to paying monthly, instead; which costs around £18.90 per month. The yearly cost would have been: £226.80.

The benefit of having an Unlimited Premium card membership is you can get up to 25% off all food/drink; whereas, a normal 'unlimited' membership card gives you only 10% off all food/drink.

Here's the really odd thing, though; I don't usually buy any food/drink from Cineworld; as I feel it's far too expensive. Instead, I go and buy food/drink from MacDonald's across the road/or, Wasabi, also, across the road/or else, from Starbucks with is also a part of The Trocodero Complex. So, really and truly, I'm not getting that much benefit from being a Premium member at all; that is, apart from being allowed to watch movies non stop/and, too, all over London wherever there is a Cineworld being located.


I often go to watch movies in the Piccadilly area of London...either at Shaftesbury Avenue Cineworld/or else, a few streets away at  Haymarket where another Cineworld is located. Sometimes, I book a movie...only it's not being shown instantly right away; instead, you have to wait for say 1 or 2 hours long. I often use that time to either eat/drink; or else, just go for a walk around this very busy area.

Of late, I been going around the area to see all of the different churches; churches have  beautiful architecture, and, also, beautiful artworks: paintings/sculptures...which I like to both see/practice drawing. One place I like going to visit is a French church located near to Prince Charles Cinema, Leicester Square. Another place I love going to is the Hare Krishna Temple off Soho Square. There is also another Western church located around Soho Square; but, I forgot it's name. If I'm in ever in the Knightsbridge area, I will regularly go and visit seeing Holy Trinity, Brompton.


Originally, I had taken a Starbucks card; -(which I took the precaution to go and register online, in case it ever got stolen; then, a block can be requested to be put on the card so disallowing it's use by anyone else)-; loaded it with around £10/or, £20.00. Eventually, though, I loaded it up to its full maximum limit which is a total of £150.00.

You need to use you Starbucks card, at least, 50 times in a year in order to be upgraded from 'normal' customer to 'gold'. Recently, my Starbucks card membership was upgraded to become 'gold'. They also said though that if you wish to keep your 'gold' membership status for another year; then, you will need to use it another 50 times; otherwise, you're membership will revert back to being 'normal', again. So, I have to use it 42 more times before 21 Nov 2014; in order to retain my 'gold' membership status.

What's so great about Starbucks 'gold' membership status. If I'm really being honest, not a lot; however, it does allow such things as FREE extra shots/top ups/-etc.

Monday 18 November 2013


FRI 15TH NOV 2013


Went to my local volunteering in the community group which is called, PGTB/Paxton Green Time Bank AGM/Annual General Meeting. Showed off some artworks...around 10 or so in total...each of these
was brought from off eBay for a fiver by artist: Terrence Kelly. Gave 1 of the paintings away to Sue -a Time Bank Trustee- who said she actually recognized the place Kelly had painted.

-(Unfortunately, I went and lost my PGTB DWP/Dulwich Picture Gallery FREE yearly pass for year 2013; so, I really can't wait until when January comes; when they will give me another one.)-



I rode my bike to Picadilly; to go and visit seeing Cineworld. There I watched 3 movies.

  • The Butler (History: American Slavery up to President days)
  • The Counsellor (Thriller: Mexican/Columbian Drug War)
  • Don Jon (Comedy: Sex addiction/Love)

NOTE: There are 2 different Cineworld movie houses; one is located near Regent's Street at Haymarket/and, the other is located on Shaftesbury Avenue, inside of The Trocodero complex.

At first, I seriously worried about not being able to pay to renew my yearly Cineworld pass; however, in the actual event; what I decided to do was instead of paying for it yearly all in one go as a lump sum; instead, to pay for it monthly; which works out to around £19.00 per month.


Being in Picadilly, I decided to go visit Christies Auction house. In there I saw some amazing master works by artists...
  • Augustus John
  • L. S. Lowry
  • Dame Laura Knight
  • Elizabeth Frink
  • John Sutherland
  • Ben Nicolson
  • Henry Moore
  • -etc.
I was told it would be possible to go and see the actual auction itself if I came back next week at around 7PM on Wed/Thu.

I'm thinking desperately of returning straight back there, soon as possible; as they closed unfortunately before I could get to see all of the artworks on display. The current exhibition contains the works of many of my most favorite artists; and, I also get to see everything right up close(as opposed to just seeing their work inside of mere books).


I practiced doing some drawing inside of the Tate Gallery in Millbank. As well as, I viewed many of the artists works on show. In particular, I remember seeing...

  • Whistler
  • John Singer Seargent
  • Henry Fuselli
  • -etc.

I recall looking at books by artists...

  • Matisse
...and, at least, one other artist whose name seems to slip me, now...?!


Deposited £60.00 into my William Hill online a/.c Lost it all on Roulette!

Just a week or so ago; I lost £500.00 doing the same Roulette gambling!