Monday 11 March 2024

Mon 110324 Constant rain/leaky roof. WMCollege: Creative Computing/AI-Adobe Illustrator

Mon 110324 19:47 PM GMT Constant rains/leaky roof/having to place down newspapers/buckets; then, constantly, change these. WMCollege class: ALS/Additional Learning Support: Creative Computing: Adobe Illustrator/ Made 2 separate phone calls to family members. Dinner: Rice/carrots/potatoes(stored some for tomorrow). Spilled/burnt out pot of soup...! Made tea, and, 4 slices of sandwich: butter/peanut butter/lemon curd/chocolate spread.


Table of contents:-

-> 10:00-13:00 WMCollege class: Creative Computing: Adobe Illustrator - Lesson: Theme: Famous London Buildings : Choose 4 internet photos: then, use AI-Abobe Illustrator software to draw on top of those photos...saving it as being a separate layer. Finally, use software to produce/design 4 x postcards from these drawings.

-> 13:30 PM-14:30 PM WMCollege, Went downstairs to practice using AI-Adobe Illustrator software on the college computers

-> 15:30 Arrived back home, again...took underground tube to Brixton; then, changed to taking a 415 bus up to Tulse Hill train station; from there I took a number 68 bus to reach West Norwood bus garage.

-> 16:00 Made 2 phone calls to my cousins. It is confirmed that everybody seems to be keeping relatively ok.

-> 17:00 Cooked dinner: rice/potatoes/carrots/(left some to eat for tomorrow).

-> Dealing with the 3 x leaky roofs/house.

-> 19:00 Went down the road to empty trash into the public tip; especially, 'wet newspapers' having been laid down due to the leaky roof. The bin men said...they didn't want it...; as it was 'contaminating' other rubbish; and, therefore, I must bag all of the 'wet newspapers' up together; then, they will be willing to take it away.

-> 21:30 Tried 'heating up' an old tin of chicken soup. But, went and forgot that I'd left it on the fire/electric twin cooker hub. When I next remembered to go check it out...; all of the contents had spilled/burned out...; thus, leaving nothing to drink/eat...!

-> 23:29 Made 4 x slices of bread sandwich: butter/peanut butter/lemon curd/chocolate spread + tea

-> CONCLUSION: Life is tough(though, admittedly, it could be a whole lot worse)...; and, I'm still 'surviving'...or, just about.


-> 10:00-13:00 WMCollege class: Creative Computing: Adobe Illustrator - Lesson: Theme: Famous London Buildings : Choose 4 internet photos: then, use AI-Abobe Illustrator software to draw on top of those photos...saving it as being a separate layer. Finally, use software to produce/design 4 x postcards from these drawings.


As usual, I arrived in class 'late'. Only this time -as the teacher herself noted- only just 15/20 minutes 'late' opposed to being over 1 hour long 'late'...?!

Such habitual 'lateness' presents a serious problem...because according to the college rules...if a person is over 10/15 minutes 'late'; then, the teacher can mark them down as having been 'absent' from the lesson altogether...even, though, the pupil was actually there. Pupils are asked to 'sign' an agreement stating they will attend on as not to 'disrupt' the class...where the teacher has to keep on explaining everything straight from the beginning all over again and again.

Too, one has to carefully bear in mind that this is a 'short' course...consisting of just 5 weeks long...; another 'strict' rule is, you are meant to have 80% attendance, at least. What that actually means is, if you miss 1 lesson...then, that's it...the college can choose to refuse you to let you sign up for having any more lessons there...; because your attendance level was just far too poor.

I do not wish to banned from going to this college...; as I like going there...; and, find the general atmosphere to be ok. People are caring, friendly, warm, kind, -etc. (It's not every college that's like that...; in some, one just ends up getting into fights.../or else, in order to avoid serious problems; then, just simply, quit/leave.)


Trying my best to think why I was 'late' this time...? I awoke on time at around 8:00 AM; but, as usual, was 'slow' to get ready...meaning, fully washed/dressed/feed the cat; then, let her out into the back garden/-etc.

I had already promised myself before...; my aim should be to wake up at 7:45 AM...then, get ready by 8:45, that I now have 15 minutes to 'spare'...thus, allowing me to go running off down the street in order to get the bus to reach Brixton tube station; because, I know if I leave by 9 AM...; then, I should arrive in college being on time.

However, it happens to me, repeatedly...that I actually end up leaving the house at 9:15 AM, instead. Bearing in mind, it takes me 1 hour long to travel over to reach Mornington Crescent tube station...which is where the college is located; so, if I leave at 9:15 AM...; then, already, I know, I'm going to be 15 minutes 'late', at least.


Oh yes, there were some travel problems.

I had taken a plastic bag containing 5 x books needing to be returned back to the college library.

And, as I was on the tube...I started reading one of these...; then, I completely forgot where I was...; and, so, I missed getting off at the right stop.

I ended up at Euston...; where I got off the tube train...and, crossed over the go over to Camden Town.

I got off at Camden Town tube station...and, walk/ran my way using back reach down to the college.

I did explain as much to the teacher...; and, she did seem to sympathize. (That doesn't mean she won't mark me down as being 'absent' for being over 20 minutes 'late'...I really just don't know...?)


This ALS/Additional Learning Support class is relatively small in size...consisting of around 6/7 pupils, altogether; and, there are 2 female main teacher who instructs/and, too, a teaching assistant who helps whenever pupils get stuck.

I like using AI-Adobe Illustrator software...; because, I always wanted to be introduced to using Adobe software suite...; and, AI is just 'one' of their software packages. Other Adobe software includes: Adobe Photoshop/Adobe Dreamweaver/-etc.

Being poor, though, I could not afford to buy Adobe software suite to use to practice with. However, the college gives each pupil an individual email:

...and, this allows the students to 'sign in' to Adobe suite...; and, practice using any software they want for FREE.


The class lesson and download from the internet 4 x photos off famous any city of your own choosing...I chose: London.

- Tower Of London (bridge)
- King Henry VIII castle
- Harrods shopping store
- Dulwich Picture Gallery

First, we upload the photo into AI-Adobe Illustrator; then, we use tools: paintbrush/shapes/ go draw over the photo onto a separate layer...which can be 'saved'.

Next, we sign in to; and, using their FREE online software...


...the task is to design/create 4 x separate Postcards of the AI-Adobe Illustrator drawings we did.


-> 13:30 PM-14:30 PM WMCollege, Went downstairs to practice using AI-Adobe Illustrator software on the college computers

Most unfortunately, I've only executed doing no more than 3 drawings so far; with another one still remaining to go do.

But, I it's a Monday class...; and, I have to return back to college during the next week...; at least, 2/3 more times...; so, I can return back to go finish off the job...before next week begins.

Mind you, I did say that exact same thing last week; and, didn't do it...?! Whenever I get on a mind gets 'distracted' by doing so many other things...programming/and, YouTube/-etc.

After a while, -bearing in mind, I didn't get sufficient sleep- both my eyes feel so extremely tired...I cannot bear to 'stare' at the screen anymore; so, that's when I do totally give up...and, just go off home.


-> 15:30 Arrived back home, again...took underground tube to Brixton; then, changed to taking a 415 bus up to Tulse Hill train station; from there I took a number 68 bus to reach West Norwood bus garage.

I went taking an underground train from Mornington Crescent...over to Warren Street; then, from Warren Street...I took the Victoria line..going over to Brixton.

-(At some point, the tube train I was on...passed by Pimlico station...which is the Tate Gallery stop; and, inside I was absolutely dying to go see the 'latest' John Singer Sargent exhibition show. However, I just thought to myself seeing the show can, in fact, 'wait'...; because, it's only just 'started'. I believe, the exhibition ends in July...; so, there still remains plenty of time to go see it. I wanted to be able to try and 'copy' his works. As it was, I was eager to return back home...through just feeling, simply, far too tired...; therefore, wanting to get in some more rest/sleep.)-
Coming out of Brixton tube Station...I took a number 415 bus going to Tulse Hill train station. From Tulse Hill train station I took a number 68 bus going to West Norwood bus garage.


-> 16:00 Made 2 phone calls to my cousins. It is confirmed that everybody seems to be keeping relatively ok.


I phoned one cousin, who lives inside of the country; just to find out how they are getting on.

It appears everyone is doing ok.

I was surprised when a young child answered...because, I thought they would still be inside of school. So, I inquired are they on holiday, maybe? No. The time was around 4 PM...and, apparently, school breaks up at 3 PM.



Next, I phoned another fact, I phoned them yesterday; or, was it 2 days back...? Anyway, at that particular point in time...they said they were just getting ready to leave the house; so, I told them I will phone back another day.

When I returned back home...I saw the answer machine light flashing...meaning, a recent message was left. I check it...and, it was my cousin calling me back...stating they were sorry for being busy that day...; but, today, I can call.

I phoned usual, we both spoke really quite amicably to one another....; reminiscing about the past(when my mum was still 'alive)...; until when, eventually, the conversation finished.


It is very important to keep in touch with family...; and, remain on good terms with them...; because, you never really know when you might need their help or support/and, I suppose, vice versa, as well...not that I'm in any financial position where I can offer help/support to others, I'm afraid; but, emotionally, I can.


-> 17:00 Cooked dinner: rice/potatoes/carrots/(left some to eat for tomorrow).

Lately, there hasn't been too much food left inside of the fridge. However, I did buy some...

- 2 bags of rice
- 2 bag of carrots/(got 1 bag of carrots left)
- 1 bag of potatoes

So, I made a very simple and straight forwards meal, putting on pot of: Rice/Carrots/Potatoes...which I seasoned using both salt and pepper.

I ate some/and, also, stored some inside of plastic Tupperware...; to go eat another day. (Next time, I don't need to cook/just 'heat things up'...which should prove to be whole lot 'quicker'.)

Tomorrow, I should have some money coming in...; and, then, I will go out to Crown Point Lidl...and, buy some £2.49p of Chicken wings...; which I can, then, heat up along with the rice.


-> Dealing with the 3 x leaky roofs/house.

The house roof is leaking in 3 different places, all at once, whenever it rains.

Unfortunately, England is an awfully 'rainy' country...all year round.

Yesterday, for example, the rains started at 6:00 AM morning...and, I asked Alexa device: 'Alexa, what time is the rain going to stop?' The answer which came back said: 'It's going to rain all day.' Well, sure enough, Alexa was rained all the way straight through from 6:00 AM morning...right up until...6:00 AM of the next day's morning...which is 24 hours of non-stop rain.


How do I cope with the leaks...if I have no money to be able to fix it...?

Well, I have to place down papers to go soak up the rain...without getting the floor boards/carpet too wet; then, on top of these papers, I place down layers of black dustbin the rain cannot penetrate through plastic sheets; then, I place on top of the black dustbin covers...some more newspapers; so, this is a 3 layered/multi-layered approach; finally, I place on top of everything buckets to collect up the rain(I don't actually have enough buckets to collect up all the, that leaves plenty of 'random' puddles here and there).


All I can say is, living with the house roof leaking in 3 separate
places...; and, having to watch things grow, quite steadily, worse and worse -as you have no money to fix it-; is just a 'living nightmare'...?! All the time one wonders to the house roof going to collapse at some point...???

The rain water even leaks onto the bottom of the bed; which means I cannot stretch out my legs completely straight...; just have to keep them bent, instead; and, being 'forced' to remain in this position for much too long...just leads to all sorts of 'cramp' pains.


-> 19:00 Went down the road to empty trash into the public tip; especially, 'wet newspapers' having been laid down due to the leaky roof.

The bin men said...they didn't want it...; as it was 'contaminating' other rubbish; and, therefore, I must bag up all of the 'wet newspapers'...and, place these together; then, they will be willing to take it away.


-> 21:30 Tried 'heating up' an old tin of chicken soup. But, went and forgot that I'd left it on the fire/electric twin cooker hub. When I next remembered to go check it out...; all of the contents had spilled/burned out...; thus, leaving nothing to drink/eat...!

I really should never let myself go on the computer...; when I've left things cooking downstairs...; as, otherwise, my attention becomes so completely 'distracted'...that I forget about all and everything else.

Check this email/check back to this social media message/post social media messages of my own. Go over to YouTube to look at the 'latest' videos... Then, I find it's impossible to remember that I had left things cooking on the stove...?

What` I should have done is, at least, told Alexa device to set a 10/15 minutes long timer. I don't know why I keep forgetting to do such things...; as this is not the first time that this has happened.

But, I guess, inside of my soon as I leave out of the thinking goes...I 'know' I've left something on...; and, so, it's only minutes, later on, 'afterwards'...when I tend to completely forget...?


-> 23:29 Made 4 x slices of bread sandwich: butter/peanut butter/lemon curd/chocolate spread + tea

I closed the night by making myself some tea/and, 4 slices of sandwiches:

- 1 x slice of bread/with lemon curd spread
- 1 x slice of bread/with chocolate spread
- 1 x slice of bread/with peanut butter spread
- 1 x slice of bread/with just plain butter spread


-> CONCLUSION: Life is tough(though, admittedly, it could be a whole lot worse)...; and, I'm still 'surviving'...or, just about.



#paulramnorawmcollege, #paulramnorawmcollegelibrary, #paulramnoraleakyroof, #paulramnoraadobeillustrator, #adobeillustrator, #paulramnoracanva, #canva














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