After having gone and signed up at...
...I seem to have developed a strong interest in following online auctions, regularly, including...
- Haddon & James
- Shepherds Auctions
This can be seen as being both a good/bad thing.
On the one hand, through doing a lot of online surfing...checking out this and that price/'s possible to buy goods going way beneath their usual price...sometimes, costing as low as £2.00 wholesale(buy multiples).
On the other hand, what initially may seem like being a 'total bargain' to begin with...might not be so at all...because one has to add on all sorts of 'other charges', including...
- the auction house hammer fee
- P&P/Postage & Packing costs
...then, again, because you are buying goods being seen from only at a 'remote', there is no way to fully determine if the goods you buy are either whole/or else, do have missing parts...or, in the case of electronic goods...are actually working/or, not; that is, not until when you do actually get it in through your door; and, even, then, there is no question of returning back items that don't work! Basically, you brought it...and, the risk you are taking is...if it don't work...then, you just have to 'keep' it, anyway.
My own previous experience is...most of the auction goods one buys online will work, properly; however, there is always that 2% that don't work/or else, has missing parts...?!
I distinctly recall giving a musical instrument pack to one of my cousins; only when they opened up the package...they found it was not working. How deeply embarrassing is that...?!
Maybe, before one considers giving others any present from an auction buy...; then, it might be far better to open up the box...and, go test it out yourself, first.
I brought auction goods costing: £300+.
I didn't meant to spend such a high amount; but, most unfortunately, I went and brought 10 of one item costing £18.00 each; when I was actually meant to have brought just 3, instead. (All I can say is, next time, I will read a lot more carefully before I click on 'bid'...which is entering into a legally binding agreement.)
I didn't meant to spend such a high amount; but, most unfortunately, I went and brought 10 of one item costing £18.00 each; when I was actually meant to have brought just 3, instead. (All I can say is, next time, I will read a lot more carefully before I click on 'bid'...which is entering into a legally binding agreement.)
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