Sunday 26th Jan 2014
Yesterday, I was thinking of going to...
-visit my cousin, Sharon, inside of the country
-catching up on reading some library books; which so far have remained unread
-going to visit either Dulwich Picture Gallery/or, the gallery at the back of Baker Street...I forgot what it's called, exactly?
-going out, and, doing some exercise; such as running in the park/-etc.
-practice refining my drawing skills by copying the 'masters'
Instead, I stayed in all day long in bed, typing away on my laptop computer machine; answering questions of how to correct beginner's 'bad' English (mis-spelled words/improper punctuation/-etc.) language learning web site: are given 5 points reward each time you answer a question, successfully. By the end of the day, I had earned 1000 points. Answer 20 questions to get 100 points = 20 x 5; so, I must have answered, at least, 200 questions in order to receive 1000 points. Right now, my points total says, 1020.
However, when I really sit and think about it, I myself did NOT learn anything 'new'; as these were all beginner's English lessons...most of the answers to which I already knew. So, in the end, I suppose, one could say I merely 'wasted' the whole of the entire day.
On the other hand, it was always my ambition to become a teacher one day; so, in that sense, I really enjoyed it...the experience of teaching others always gives me a feeling of deep satisfaction.
I also love studying how to use the English language itself; so, at least, I got some playing with words 'practice' in; whereas, normally, all I tend to do is play at doing 'line drawings/and, producing pretty much mindless, and, meaningless scribbles!'
This English lessons exercise, no matter how 'basic' it was...has made me think more about 'the art of learning to write using proper grammar'; and, another spin off side effect is.. it makes me think about eitehr writing/or, reading 'poetry' more; which I haven't been doing in such a long LONG time...!
Somewhere around 2/3/or, 4PM; I really can't remember which? I heard the doorbell ring. So, I went down to answer it. I was sure that nobody was due to call in on me, today. I thought to myself, it might be Jehoviah Witnesses?
However, much to my surprise, it was not them; instead, it was a guy who I'd previously encountered on Chapel Road...about 2 streets away; -(we met sometime around last year: 2013/or, was it 2012?)-; who lives just opposite where the recycling bins are. He had offered before to fix my bike when it wasn't working, properly; and, he did fix it for which service I paid him not just some money; but, also, gave him one of my 'spare' bikes to keep.
Anyway, he brought me a lose bike wheel; and, asked if I wanted it; to which I, of course, replied back, no; as I don't know anything about how to fix bikes. I explained that I buy a regular year long warranty from Brixton Halfords bike shop -(costing around £20.00 in the first year/then, £40.00 in each subsequent later years)- ; which includes 'labour; but, NOT parts'...and, so, whenever anything goes wrong with my bike; I just take it there for them to go and fix it.
He looked to be in a poor man's state. I actually think he came here to ask me to spare him some loose change, such as a few spare £1.00 coins; but, then, I told him I was totally flat broke.
He asked if I have any spare bicycle pump. So, I gave him one. He also seems to have helped himself to a bike lock; but, then again to be fair, I did offer it to him to go take. I guess, when I went upstairs to go take a quick leak in the toilet; he must have decided to take the lock out of the package/along with both keys/and, pocket the lot. I just didn't realize until the moment he was gone; and, I saw the empty package.
Oh, and, yes, I offered him an unopened pack of Almond cakes; which he quite happily took.
Funnily enough, although I remembered his name; he did not seem to remember mine; thus, I had to remind him. But, I just laughed it saying a lot of the time I tend to forget people's names, too...which, most unfortunately, happens to be true!
Anyway, I don't tend to see him all that much; I think, he must have visited this same house around just 3 or 4 times. One time, during the last visit, we even went out into the garden, and, practiced doing some boxing; though, of course, we didn't fight too hard; we were meant to both continue doing boxing together; but, frankly, I got real lazy and quit.
It's hard for me to know exactly what to think of Peter; who's around my own age; told me he went to the same West Norwood Primary School...only is around 10 years younger than me; so, I certainly didn't know him at the time.
I want to trust him; but, the truth is, he's just a total stranger. So, I just have to draw a big question mark (?) there...; sometimes, these sort of relationships get stronger/and, other times, they just break; well, such is life, I guess. I certainly don't go visiting him at home, though; because I only go and visit people who I do both know well, and, trust -(almost)- completely.
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