Friday, 10 January 2025

100125 Latest news... Christmas 2024.


Most unfortunately, I been really 'lazy' about keeping this diary being fully 'updated' during the year 2024.

I did, sometimes, write diary posts to my Facebook page...; but, I just couldn't be bothered to repeat/'copy and paste'...absolutely everything here, too, as well. The endless daily duplication was driving me mad.


I went and spent the day before Christmas -Christmas Eve, I think, it's called- with my cousins in the country.

G's dad was there...; and, I made sure to buy him a box of some expensive truffle chocolates...; as he is getting rather old...I think, he's aged around 87; and, frankly, I wasn't too sure if I will ever get to see him, again. I do recall one incident when we were listening to music...and, the old guy got up and danced...even, holding on to his walking stick...everybody there was 'amazed'. He's a really good dancer, too...; has a great sense of timing/and, some really excellent moves. (He returned back home after Christmas day.)

One bad thing that happened was after Christmas day...; and, they had opened up the Christmas presents. When I awoke purely by accident, I went and knocked over a whole cup of  tea...which landed over their very 'expensive' living room rug...which proved very difficult, indeed, to clean up. I'm really not too sure if it's gone and left a 'permanent' stain, in fact...?! This made the rest of my stay there feel rather uncomfortable(of course, they didn't complain); and, I just couldn't wait to get I can return back home...without causing any further accidental destruction; sometimes, I can be very highly 'accident prone'.

I do recall going for a 8 PM walk with my 13 years old cousin, O; and, man, that was a little bit strange. Young guys like to play...and, he would constantly try his best to 'scare' me. We went down a short cut way that I'd never been down, felt totally lost...?! On top of all this, he made quite a few attempts to attack me from the back; subsequently, I refused to let him walk behind me, anymore; as I just don't know what's going to happen, next...?! Finally, when our walk had almost ended...; and, we were along the path way home by around 50 or so yards...he picked up a big tree branch and came at me with that. I either jumped behind a big thick tree/or else, hid on the other side of the car; so, that he couldn't actually hit me with the stick. Eventually, he settled down and quit doing that.

But, it certainly made me think, twice...about going out walking with him, again...? I mean, as a youth I myself...was never given to attacking people who I know/or, even don't know with a stick/or, indeed, empty handed. I just couldn't see why he doesn't just walk/behave, normally. As he himself put it..."just walking, normally, is no fun!"

NOTE: His twin sister, struggling with Bulimia (deliberately vommiting up her food/and, also, over-exercising. She seems to have developed an 'obsession's  to be more model-like. I even heard she self-harms by cutting her arms. (A week after I had left them; I was told she is now in hospital being treated for her 'serious' Bulimia condition due to having lost too much weight. All very deeply worrying for both parents/and, too, for me.)

The elder son, doing well...he's made it into university...where he goes to study law. His dad was a, as they say, like father like son.

I recall leaving there, I think, it was Boxing day...; walked over to Kingswood train station; and, there took the train back home to West Norwood;1 change at Norwood Junction. One problem was I left at 8 AM...and, my 60+ FREE London travel pass doesn't actually work on the trains until 9:30 AM. So, I had to wait in the freezing bitter cold; -(I didn't wish to return back to their home to bother them, anymore by attempting to wait there)-; in actual fact, I just got on the train anyway...earlier than I should...; and, hoped the transport police wouldn't catch me...because, if they did I would have to pay a large fine of £40.00 or so...when the train ticket only costs around £5/6.00. Luckily, I managed to make my way home without incident.

When I did return cat was only too happy to see me appear...; I had left 3 heaped platefuls of Whiskas 'dry pellet' food chicken flavor for her to eat; but, she only eat just 1 plate; the other 2 plate fulls she seemed to have totally 'ignored'. Anyway, as soon as I arrived in...I gave her the usual cat 'pouch food' meat...which she happily gobbled up, as usual.


At the end of 12/24 the Job Center people have changed my normal JSA/Job Seeker's Allowance to become UC/Universal Credit, instead. The UC benefit will be paid into my a/c. on the 10th Jan. (Which was today...; everything went through ok.)

NOTE: The UC people want me to do 35 hours of job search per week...; which frankly I feel is impossible. Otherwise, they are threatening to either suspend/or, cut down my benefit money.


Unfortunately, the weather here is -2 degrees; and, because I cannot afford to keep the central heating on for the whole house; therefore, I have had to use a mixture of 'hot water bottle's/and, 'electric heater' to keep warm.

The weather forecaster said, the temperature will be less severe next week. I can't wait...; right now, my fingers are freezing...even as I type in this message.


I already signed up with WMCollege, Mornington Crescent Branch...

- do 3 courses:

- GCSE Maths/GCSE English/Photography & Video

So far to date...I've missed classes...2 Maths/1 Photography & Video...;
as I'm finding it really difficult to withstand the cold. I just wish to stay in bed hanging on to my 'hot water bottle'.

I really don't know if they will decide to go throw me off the course;  due to lateness/or, the fact that I didn't complete doing neither the GCSE Maths/GCSE English homework(online/offline).
All of these course are FREE.

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